Govt to fully fund Malay Heritage Centre`s S$1.7m annual running costs

Singapore - Singapore‘s Malay Heritage Centre has received a huge boost. The government will now pick up its full tab of expenses of some S$1.7 million a year.

This was announced by the Chairman of the Malay Heritage Foundation, Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed last Friday.

This latest move eases a huge burden on the centre, as previously it had to foot two—thirds of its operational costs through cultural programmes and fund—raising activities.

Apart from the financial help, the centre can tap the National Heritage Board for curatorial expertise.

It‘s part of a tie—up to help turn the centre into a museum of international standard.

And this will open up opportunities for it to engage with other top regional museums, mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Source: (October 03, 2008)