Indonesian youth depart for Australia to promote cultural exchange

Jakarta - Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Bill Farmer, on Thursday said goodbye to eighteen young Indonesians who would depart for Sydney on Sunday, October 12, for a two-month visit aimed at fostering friendship and understanding between the peoples of Australia and Indonesia, Australian embassy media release has said.

"This youth exchange plays an important role in enhancing the relationship between our two countries through people to people links. I`m confident you will make the most of this unique opportunity to engage and make friends as young ambassadors for your country," the Ambassador told the young group, who attended a farewell morning tea at the Australian Embassy and gave a cultural performance for the Embassy staff.

The program provides a unique opportunity for young Indonesian to learn Australia, the lifestyle and culture. Participants will be able to forge links with Australians, through their home-stays and work placements, and also through sharing experiences with Australian counterparts.

For the sixth time, the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) will be hosted in New South Wales but for the first time AIYEP participants will also visit the tiny town of Macksville on the northern NSW coast.

They will experience firsthand both city and rural life in a fascinating region of Australia. The group is billeted with Australian families and given work experience in both settings.

Indonesian participants will meet their Australian counterparts before returning to Indonesia together and undertaking a number of joint activities in East Java during the December - January period.

A counterpart system is established between the two groups, in which each Australian is matched up with a member of the Indonesian group, leading to close friendships.

Established in 1982, AIYEP operates under an MoU between the Indonesian and Australian Governments. The program provides opportunities for the young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and the way of life of the other country.

This annual program is sponsored by the Australia-Indonesia Institute and the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport.

Source: (October 10, 2008)