European-Style Thrones In Yogyakarta`s Palaces

Yogyakarta - The design of thrones at the palaces of Yogyakarta Pura Pakualaman and Gedung Agung are greatly influenced by European styles, especially French and English. The thrones are decorated with Javanese ornaments. This was a result of a research conducted by Eddy Supriyatna, lecturer at the Art and Design Faculty of the Tarumanagara University in Jakarta, in support of his doctorate degree from Gadjah Mada University. Eddy graduated with flying colours yesterday.

According to Eddy, the function of thrones during the 18th – 20th centuries in the three palaces was interpreted as symbols of power legitimacy. The French style can be seen from their Baroque, Rococo and Neo-classic styles. Meanwhile the Georgian, Queen Anne and Victorian styles were adopted from England. "The throne used by the ruler indicated that they succeeded in gaining the highest position in society, and as such, deserved the respect of the common people," he explained. Heru CN