Melaka Plans To Build Tourism Gallery In Singapore

Melaka- The Melaka government plans to build a gallery in Singapore to showcase its tourism products aimed at attracting tourists to the state.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the state government was looking for a suitable site and expect construction of the gallery to start in January or February.

"With the uncertain economic situation, I believe Singaporeans will choose to visit nearby destinations. Melaka wants to be seize this opportunity," he told reporters at the Istana Kampung Gelam Malay Heritage Centre in Singapore Tuesday.

Mohd Ali who was leading a tourism promotion delegation to Singapore said Melaka chose the republic to start the promotion as it was a major contributor of tourists to the state.

Similar tourism promotions would be made in Thailand and Indonesia.

He was confident that Melaka`s new tourism product "Duck Tours" which had received a hot reception in Singapore would be a hit among tourists to the state.

"Duck Tours is a mode of transportation that functions in the air, on land and on the water. It will be the first of its kind in Malaysia when operational next month.

Melaka`s other new tourism products are Eye On Malaysia at Sungai Melaka and Menara Taming Sari at Bandar Hilir.

Source:  (November 26, 2008)