Promote more Malay cultural activities, urges rep

Kuala Lumpur - THE Government should encourage more traditional activities involving the Malays in urban areas to prevent the Malay culture and tradition from dying out.

Bayan Lepas assemblyman Syed Ameruddin Syed Ahmad said Sunday`s events which involved the participation of the Malay community such as gotong-royong and kenduri were not being held as often as in the past.

He said this was partly because people were too busy with their families and jobs to find time to get involved in such events.

“This is part of the Malay tradition and culture and we must make sure that we continue with this tradition and culture because if we fail to uphold these values, then they will die out,`` he said at the mass berkhatan (circumcision) ceremony held for 30 boys ranging from the ages six to 12 at the Taman Sri Bayu apartments in Bayan Lepas.

Syed Ameruddin said although some of these traditions were simple yet meaningful.

“In the past, we had kampung elders organising and getting together the local folk to hold such events but today we need the Government`s help to organise such functions,`` he said.

He added that such tradition-steeped events would not only ensure such practices were passed down to the next generation but also promote goodwill among the community.

“We also have to look into forming a committee to record and document the Malay community`s cultural and traditional practices so that our youths and the next generation can learn something about our heritage,`` he said.

At the start of the ceremony, the children walked in a procession of kompang players and bearers of bunga manggar and bunga telur.

After the merenjis (blessing) ceremony, the children were given a good `wash`` by members of the Fire and Rescue Services Department before being taken for the circumcision ceremony.

Source: (November 25, 2008)