Singapore Students Visit Brunei`s Cultural, Natural Heritage

Bandar Seri Begawan - Twenty Singaporean students visited the paddy field in Kampong Wasan recently.

The students joined by 20 other local students, are here for a six-day friendship camp, entitled Brunei-Singapore Adventure Camp 2008.

Besides visiting the paddy field, the students also hiked at the Bukit Shahbandar.

Included in the programme in the coming days in Brunei are witnessing sago processing in Tutong, eating ambuyat, participating in challenging activities at Temburong National Park, visiting Kg Amo Longhouse in Temburong, watching the manufacturing of traditional food of wajid and cendol in Temburong and many more.

Yesterday, the students visited the Tasek Merimbun.

Separated by the South China Sea, there are much to learn about each other, the students said, both in terms of culture and its geography. The students told the Bulletin that they had so far enjoyed their programme here in Brunei, adding that Brunei has so many unexpected surprises.

Throughout the camping, students from both sides will interact and take part in team building adventure activities and games to promote international understanding, collaboration and bonding. By Azaraimy HH

Source:  (November 3, 2008)