Teachers Take `Laskar Pelangi` As Inspiration

Jakarta- The movie Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warriors) has proven to be inspirational for many people from all walks of life, and on Tuesday, it proved to be even more so.

Around 800 assistant teachers from schools across Central Jakarta attended a viewing of the movie, adapted from Andrea Hirata`s best-selling novel, at the Senayan City XXI theatres. After the viewing, many in the audience praised the movie for being "extraordinary and definitely spirit-lifting".

Siti Komala Sari from Al-Mujaahidin kindergarten said she could relate to Muslimah (a character in the movie) and her daily struggles in trying to educate her pupils.

"She inspired me in the way she always smiled through any kind of obstacle she and her pupils had to go through," Siti said.

Laskar tells the story of a teacher and her 10 students struggling for an education in a poverty-stricken kampong in Belitung. A dedicated teacher, Muslimah chooses to teach in the only Muslim primary school on the island, off Sumatra`s southeast coast. Challenges come thick and fast, but she never loses her faith and determination to give the impoverished students an education.

After watching the movie, Siti said she had the urge to provide her students with more opportunities.

"I think opportunities are important if you want your students to have a brighter future," Siti said.

However, Siti and many other teachers at the event said it was difficult these days in Jakarta to have the dedication of someone like Muslimah.

"With the prices of basic commodities so high, and teachers` salaries so low, it`s not easy for us to demonstrate the amazing dedication Ibu Mus had," said Arif Fadillah from At-taqwa junior high school.

Tuesday`s event was organized by the Central Jakarta municipality to motivate teachers to provide a higher quality of education.

"With this event, we want to remind these teachers of their moral obligation to educate their students so they will have good quality knowledge and attitudes," said Central Jakarta Mayor Sylviana Murni.

However, Sylviana said she was not brushing aside a protracted battle by teachers for certain rights.

"This event doesn`t aim to discourage teachers from fighting for what they are entitled to. However, they must also remember they have an obligation to educate," she said.

"I hope tomorrow they will return to their schools with a new spirit and new motivation."

Sylviana said she was pleased to see how the movie had done its job and charmed its audience of teachers.

As Siti put it: "For me, Laskar Pelangi is more than just a movie. It is a reminder, reminding me of what it means to be a teacher."