When culture is not a barrier

Kuantan, Malaysia - Instead of allowing their differences to become an issue, a couple turned their wedding into a unique celebration of both their cultures.

The reception for Mardiana Abdul Wahab, 32, and Fadhil Ho Abdullah, 46, held in Taman Mahkota Perdana, was steeped in both Malay and Chinese traditions.

The canopies were decorated with red and white cloth as a symbol of prosperity, while the guests were entertained with Chinese and Malay wedding songs.

As well as the traditional Malay tepung tawar (sprinkling of rose water on the couples` palms) ceremony, they also performed a Chinese tea ceremony.

Holding the teacup in both hands, Mardiana served tea to Ho`s eldest sister, Fong Lai Peng, as a mark of respect and to thank the bridegroom`s family. Ho is the seventh of 12 children. Both his parents died a few years ago.

Ho embraced Islam last year and met Mardiana at work this year.

"I asked my neighbour, Mohd Faisal Mohd Khalyubi, to propose to her and arrange the engagement and wedding ceremonies."

Mardiana said she felt lucky because Ho`s family was very supportive.

"They even gave ideas for our wedding reception. My family agreed as long as the traditions did not go against the teachings of Islam."

Ho`s elder brother, Eddie, said his family would always respect Ho`s decision to become a Muslim.

"We have now become a bigger family, and we are eager to celebrate Hari Raya and Chinese New Year together."

Source:  http://news.asiaone.com  (November 24, 2008)