Imams, pastors pray for end to Mindanao hostilities

Manila, Philippines - Muslim imams and Protestant and Catholic pastors joined hands to pray for an end to hostilities in Mindanao during the Yuletide.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines website said Wednesday the religious leaders prayed for reconciliation and a culture of peace.

"O God/Allah, we pray that the leaders of the government Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) be so guided that peace talks in whatever means or levels be reopened for the sake of our present world and the future children," they said.

The religious leaders also prayed that kidnapping and any form of violence against families, against resources and against the environment be stopped.

They say,such acts will only endanger the attainment of peace and development.

"We pray that the struggle for self-determination, especially of the Bangsamoro and the Lumads be protected and assisted so that all peoples-Muslim, Lumads, Roman Catholic Christians, Protestant Christians may attain peace and reconciliation," they said.

They also expressed their support to the initiatives of many groups holding community consultations, study groups and healing sessions.

Also, they also committed themselves to take an active role in promoting community and sectoral dialogues to expand the constituency of peace.

"We also commit ourselves to pursue authentic interfaith dialogues among our communities in order that we may find ways to face and overcome our own hurts, biases and prejudices on the way in order to overcome barriers and impasse in the peace process," they said.

They also prayed to God to open their eyes to the many religious, cultural, economic and political concerns and join the many who are working to make available roads, books, and classrooms for the children and their families.

"May God/Allah help us in our endeavors so that we may attain peace and reconciliation for our world and the world of our children," they said.

Source:  (December 10, 2008)