Muslims in Singapore celebrate Hari Raya Haji

Singapore - Muslims in Singapore celebrated Hari Raya Haji on Monday, and many performed the sacrificial rites or "korban" at mosques islandwide.

And the tradition was kept alive despite concerns over the global economic downturn.

Overcoming the current gloomy economic downturn may be a top concern among Singaporeans, including the Malay-Muslim community.

But that did not stop the community from coming together to observe an important day in the Muslim calendar - the day of sacrifice on Hari Raya Haji.

Challenges facing the community were also highlighted in sermons delivered at mosques.

Muslims were urged to leave their comfort zones, to upgrade themselves, and to prepare for difficult times ahead.

Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said: "They should look at alternative routes, even look at possible social investments and enterprise. And I think CDCs (Community Development Councils) are also looking at various options on how different type of groups are facing different kinds of problems."

Mr Zainul joined hundreds of Muslims at the Al-Amin Mosque in Telok Blangah for prayers.

He also presented packets of meat to beneficiaries of the mosque‘s financial assistance scheme.

Hari Raya Haji, also known as Aidiladha, marks the prophet Abraham‘s readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail, on the orders of God.

Over at the Darul Makmur Mosque in Yishun, some 20 Singaporeans from the Swami Home and Sree Narayana Mission Home were invited to participate in the day‘s activities.

Many were witnessing the "korban" ritual for the first time. They later joined their Muslim friends for lunch at the mosque. By Ibrahim Sawifi

Source:  (December 8, 2008)