Universities to conserve culture: Minister

Bogor - With many local cultures throughout the country vanishing, universities are expected to come to the rescue and preserve those that are left, a minister says.

Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said at the official opening of the Cultural Congress in Bogor that his office had signed an agreement with seven state universities to assist the preservation of endangered cultures.

Under the agreement, the University of Indonesia in Depok will help develop Betawi and traditional mask cultures, Andalas University in Padang will serve as the center for Minang studies, Padjadjaran University in Bandung will open a center for Sunda studies, Udayana University in Denpasar will promote Balinese culture, Hasanuddin University in Makassar will establish a center for Bugis culture, Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta will act as the center for Javanese studies and Brawijaya University in Malang will preserve East Java and Madura cultures.

"A traditional dance could be lost forever if nobody performs it. We need a music or dance museum to keep cultural heritage, such as dances, alive," Jero said.

In his opening remarks, Coordinating Minister for People‘s Welfare Aburizal Bakrie said the government would help promote creativity through competition with regional nations.

"The government aims to boost creativity and support the future of people‘s culture and welfare," Aburizal said. The government recently launched a blueprint for the development of the creative industries.

He expected the two-day congress to discuss the culture of Indonesia and various ways to foster creativity.

Chairman of the congress‘ organizing committee Tjetjep Suparman said about 500 participants at the event would assist in drafting a plan to support the development of national cultures.

The participants include cultural activists, scholars, community figures, student representatives and government officials.

An award presentation for 16 cultural figures marked the opening of the congress. Winners of the life-time service award include poet Sutardji Chalzoum Bahri, film director Musbach Yusa Biran, the late film director Wahyu Sihombing, traditional Javanese dancer Theodora Retno Maruti, comic maker RA Kosasih and the late singer Gombloh. Theresia Sufa

Source:  http://old.thejakartapost.com  (December 12, 2008)