West Kalimantan governor lodges protest with Malaysia over fatal shootings

Pontianak - West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis has lodged an official protest with the Malaysian government over the death of five residents of the province`s Sanggau regency, who were shot by Malaysian police last week.

"The letter of protest is to be given to a Malaysian counselor in Pontianak (West Kalimantan capital)," he said Sunday as quoted by Antara news agency.

Earlier, it was reported that five Sanggau residents, namely Safri, Abang Hamzah bin Abang Mahmud, Suryadi, Sayuti bin Nasir and Marhaban bin Samsudin, were shot dead by Malaysian police in Sarawak on Dec. 4.

Cornelis said he was surprised by the news. "I was shocked. It`s really cruel," he said.

The governor said that in the letter he questioned how the incident had occurred.

Separately, West Kalimantan Police spokesman Adj. Snr. Comr. Suhadi S.W. said that, according to an official statement from the Malaysian police, the five men were killed in a shoot-out with police.

The men were driving through a security checkpoint when the Malaysian police told them to stop. When the men refused, the police gave chase. They were later involved in a shoot-out and the men were killed, the Malaysian statement said. (dre)

Source:  http://www.thejakartapost.com  (December 14, 2008)