Back to Basics

Malaysia - WITH reference to some of the recent updates on what our educationists and Education Ministry have been doing, I think they have missed out on some very simple principles.

From the acronym C.E.O. we can find some basic strategies that must be in place in order for things to be right in the first place.

C = Consistency. After 50 years of Merdeka, the big difference between now and what I went through during my days in school has to do with consistency in our education system.

Textbooks, for instance, could be handed down. There is nothing wrong with having the same textbooks used. Just introduce revisions where necessary.

After all, how much do facts change in a year? And if this can be done in most successful systems throughout the world, are we then too proud to follow suit?

Consistency in use of textbooks will mean that teachers will be able to improve all the time and get more practice on the same materials. In addition, students can also hand down their notes.

Another area that must remain consistent is our Malay language. It is almost impossible to get a consistent answer on the use of some simple words or even on spelling. This was never a problem in the past. Why is it a problem now?

Why do we keep having to learn or re-learn words which have been around for so long? Why do we “Malay-ify” English words when we actually have the correct Malay equivalent?

E = Equality. Unfortunately, we come to hear of more and more inequality in examination standards between schools and even individuals.

Good examples of bad education can be seen all the time. We read about failures among our doctors and local hospitals. Allowing passes just for the sake of “looking good” when compared with other countries is not acceptable when it means quality is sacrificed.

Where are we heading? Are the same people qualified to work in other countries?

O = Official Standards Body. Can we have a body or group of people who has no agenda other than the sole responsibility of ensuring that our education system is consistent, sensible, equal and workable?

If our Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka is meant to govern the Malay language, then do not have other parties, political or otherwise, interfere with its work.

Let us remind ourselves that education is the entire process of educating ourselves in all aspects of life, covering the whole person. It includes our culture, our upbringing, our civic consciousness, our self-respect, our discipline, our general knowledge and, yes, our dear Bahasa Malaysia.

Or is it Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Kebangsaan? You tell me.

Source: (11 September 2007)