Betawi Festival Recalls the Birth of Indonesia-Chinese Acculturation

Jakarta - The annual Betawi Festival opened Friday in Situ Babakan, South Jakarta, with musical performances and dances that recalled the strong Chinese influence on native Jakarta culture.

One striking performance featured gambang kromong music that accompanied seven artists performing a traditional Betawi dance.

While the dance was Betawi, the song was Chinese, symbolic of the Chinese influence on the Betawi and their artistic traditions.

During the opening night of the festival, a choir from the Chinese-Indonesian Women‘s Association presented two songs. The first was a traditional song, Keroncong Kemayoran, while the other was a Chinese song titled Jasmine.

Association head Nancy Widjaja said it was the first time the administration or the organizing committee had asked them to take part in the festival.

She said this was hopefully the start of greater involvement by the association in helping to preserve the city‘s traditional culture.

"We are so happy to perform here and I think we should cooperate more to preserve Betawi culture, since it has so many similarities with Chinese culture," she said.

Chinese culture deeply influenced Betawi tradition when Chinese began migrating to what is now Jakarta centuries ago.

Gambang kromong is one obvious example. It is a Chinese musical style that developed in Batavia, now Jakarta, into a unique combination of Chinese and Betawi.

"Preserving Betawi culture gives us the chance to preserve our own culture," said Nancy.

However, the festival, which ends Sunday, is not concerned solely with exploring Chinese cultural influences in Betawi arts.

It will also offer lenong (comic theater) for children and adults, traditional foods, traditional dances performances and a book discussion.

Jakarta Culture and Museum Agency head Aurora Tambunan said the festival faced a serious challenge in attracting visitors despite the variety of performances being offered.

She said the festival continued to draw mainly from nearby neighborhoods, with most of Jakarta‘s middle-class resident giving the event a pass.

"It is a challenge for us to catch the attention of more Jakartans. What is the point of holding the festival if only nearby residents come to see it?" she said.

Situ Babakan kampong, where the festival is taking place, was declared a Betawi kampong in 2000.

The kampong hosts traditional Betawi performances year-round. However, lack of access to the area has hampered its development as a tourist attraction.

Source: (11 September 2007)