Independence Poetry Recital Road Show To Start Tomorrow

Bandar Seri Begawan - A Literary event, the Independence Poetry Recital Road Show in all four districts, will be organised starting from tomorrow night to commemorate the 24th National Day as a contribution of literature figures and lovers to demonstrate their solidarity in celebrating the occasion.

The first Kembara Baca Puisi Merdeka will be held tomorrow commencing 8.30pm at the open area of Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex in BSB.

The inaugural event will be officiated by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Pehin Dato Seri Pahlawan Hj Mohammad Hj Daud, as Chairman of the 24th National Day Supreme Committee. He is also expected to recite some syair verses.

Poems of independence will be heard from literary figures like Yura Halim, Shukri Zain, Adi Rumi, Yahya M S, Badaruddin H O, Wijaya, Zairis M S, A Hashim Hamid and Hj Jawawi Hj Ahmad, as well as various winners of Thailand`s SeaWrite Award over the past two decades. Organisers said members of the public are welcome to converge at, the aforementioned venue to give their support: A week later on Feb 17, the road show will travel to KB at the Taman Cendera Kenangan.

On the evening of Feb 24, it is going to reach the Tutong Tamu area and tentatively arrive in Temburong on the evening of March 1 at the Tourism Centre Hall.

Co-organised mainly by the Language and Literature Bureau (DBP), the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, as well as the Brunei Darussalam Literary Writers Association (Asterawani), the event hopes to promote patriotism and nationalism, said DBP`s Language Officer Suip Hj Wahab.

He added that it is also to promote poem recital as a genre of literature that can ignite the spirit of nationalism and emphasise Bahasa Melayu as the country`s national language.

Source: (9 Februari 2008)