RI`s international role getting stronger

"Mr Yudhoyono and I are two brothers, who will take action to create international peace," Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday (March 11).

Ahmadinejad‘s statement was not just a lip-service. Iranians greeted President Yudhoyono as if he were their brother. The posters of the two leaders shaking hands had been erected in all strategic places in Tehran, a member of the Antara Supervisory Board, Asro Kamal Rokan, who joined the president‘s trip, said his report on Monday.

After hugging each other, delivering state addresses and holding bilateral talks at the Iranian Presidential Palace, Ahmadinejad held Yudhoyono‘s hands out of the palace. They walked for lunch.

Yudhoyono‘s visit was of great significance for Iran which had been branded by US President George W Bush as "axis of evil". A week ahead of his departure to Iran, Indonesia had taken a dramatic decision at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) with regard to additional sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

At the UNSC session to endorse Resolution 1803, Indonesia abstained - not to support it. Indonesia was the only member of the UNSC which opposed the resolution while the other 14 members voted in favor of the additional sanctions.

Vietnam, South Africa and Libya which had previously opposed the resolution eventually bowed to pressures from world powers in the UNSC.

"I am thankful for Indonesia‘s fair stance. This is the start of a movement to improve the international structure," Ahmadinejad said in a press conference held at his palace.

The Iranian media also hailed Indonesia‘s stance. The meeting between the two leaders made headlines in the Iranian media. The Iran News wrote a story titled "Tehran, Jakarta Strong Supporters of Global Peace", while Tehran Times carried a story titled "Islamic world can become a global power: Leader".

The titles of the two stories were excerpted of the statements by Ahmadinejad and Irianian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who also met with Yudhoyono while in Iran. The two Iranian leaders expressed their belief that Indonesia and Iran, two of the world‘s predominantly Muslim countries, could build power for the sake of global peace.

President Yudhoyono reiterated Indonesia‘s support for the Iranian nuclear program for peaceful purposes.

"I am not worried about my Iranian visit this time. We adhere to a free and active foreign policy. Indonesia wants to play a role under its own sovereignty, a constructive role for international relations. I am sure we will be able to get it through," he said when asked about the possibility of the West alleging that the visit was aimed at creating a new alliance.

As a sovereign nation who adheres to free and active foreign policy, the Indonesian people can visit everywhere. This must be viewed with clear mind. "If I visited Iran, don‘t make Iran an enemy. Building cooperation with China does not mean we leave Japan and Korea. This visit must be viewed with clear mind. In my principle, relations and cooperation must not be severed merely by one or two different issues."

Yudhoyono is putting Indonesia‘s free and active foreign policy on the right track. Since becoming a non-permanent UNSC member, Indonesia has been playing a significant role in the world body.

When it comes to UNSC Resolution 1747, Indonesia proposed amendments to it by adding articles declaring the Middle East a nuclear-free zone, among others. Indonesia also gave priority to the question of Palestinian peace, including assisting the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation process in pursuit of a united government in Palestine.

This approach had made Indonesia‘s influence in the international fora increasingly stronger. Indonesia gave new equilibrium to the international conflict of interests. More strategically, as the world‘s largest Muslim country, Indonesia served as a bridge between the Islamic world and the West.

Islam is rahmatin lil alamin

Being a moderate, harmonious and democratic country which set an example for other Muslim countries made it possible for Indonesia to lead a global peace and reform movement.

When Islam was marred by an onslaught of anti-terrorism campaigns, Indonesia appeared in the international fora to explain that Islam is ‘rahmatan lil alamin‘ (mercy for all creatures).

In every international forum, Indonesia had initiated inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogs, including those held within the frame of APEC forum. Such dialogs also had been put on the UN agenda.

At the September 2006 UN General Assembly, Indonesia represented by the chief of Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic organisation underscored the need for the world community to keep the balance between tolerence and faith.

At the global fora, Indonesia kept on promoting Islam by involving Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah and Muslim intellectuals.

Indonesia‘s commitment has become increasingly noticeable at the just-ended 11th Summit of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) held in Dakar, Senegal -- two days after Yudhoyono left Iran.

In a general debate held at the Dakar meeting, the Indonesian leader stressed the need for the OIC member countries to change the western countries‘ wrong perception of Islam.

The OIC member countries which supplied 70 percent of the global energy must play a greater role in global peace, democracy, poverty eradication, and initiating inter-faith, inter-cultural and inter-community dialogs.

"I call on OIC member countries to forge effective cooperation in the face of misperception of Islam, provide Muslims and Muslim countries with fund we are raising, establish economic cooperation and give concrete contributions," he said.

From Senegal, Yudhoyono continued his trip to South Africa where the two nations signed a number of cooperation agreements in the fields of culture, science, energy and defense.

In Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the President held a meeting with 45 large-scale businessmen, including the UAE crown prince, and those from Emaar, Pacific Inter Link, Al Ghurair and Bin Ladin Group.

Yudhoyono‘s four-nation tour not only has strengthened Indonesia‘s position as a bridge for global peace but also yielded fruit for the revival of the Indonesian economy. Yudhoyono has opened and stepped on the path for the sake of a better Indonesia.

Source: www.antara.co.id (2 Maret 2008)