Sundarajev thanks for Indonesia for understanding southern Thailand

Jakarta - Visiting Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundarajev extended his gratitude to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for Indonesia`s understanding of Thailand`s troubled south.

"Concerning the issue in southern Thailand, I want to express my gratitude to President Yudhoyono for his good understanding," Sundarajev said in a joint press conference with the Indonesian head of state after their meeting at Merdeka Palace here on Wednesday.

In addition, the Thai prime minister also expressed his gratitude for Indonesia`s support and cooperation with Thailand to face the separatists in the country`s southernmost province.

He also extended his special gratitude to Indonesia`s Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah Muslim organizations for their cooperation in educating the Muslim youths in southern Thailand.

Sundarajev, who was elected prime minister of Thailand in January this year, said his government would make every effort to overcome the separatist problem in the southern province peacefully.

"I would like to assert the Thai government`s commitment to reach a peaceful reconciliation," he noted.

In the meeting, President Yudhoyono and the Thai prime minister also discussed the two countries` possible role in seeking a solution to the Myanmar issue.

The two countries reached agreement to find a best possible way to help bring about national stability and integrity in Myanmar.

Source: (27 Maret 2008)