President to sign two govt regulations on education soon

Palembang - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said he would in the next couple of days sign two government regulations respectively on the funding of education and on compulsory education which teachers have been waiting for quite a long time.

"God willing, I will sign two government regulations on the funding of education and on compulsory education," the president said here on Tuesday night when opening the 20th congress of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI).

The Head of State said the National Education Minister, the Minister/State Secretary, and the State Secretary, had established coordination with Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati for this purpose.

"You can come to Jakarta to watch me signing the two regulations," the president told 2,000 teachers from 33 provinces across the country who attend the congress which will last July 4.

In addition, the president would also sign another government regulation relating to teachers.

Coordinating Minister for People‘s Wealfare Aburizal Bakrie, Education Minister Bambang Soedidyo, Minister/State Secretary Hatta Radjasa, Communications Minister M Nuh and Cabinet Secretary Sudi Silalahi also attended the opening of the congress.

The three regulations are expected to help promote the welfare of thousands of teachers.

On the occasion, the president also instructed all governors, regents and mayors to maximize funds allocation for the education sector and for teachers‘ welfare.

The 1945 Constitution stipulated that the goverment is obliged to allocate some 20 percent of the state budget for education.

In the meantime, Muhammad Surya, PGRI chairman, also expressed hope that the government will seriously promote the teachers‘ welfare.

Source: (July 02, 2008)