PWM, PBPF in joint Gawai celebration

Bandar Seri Begawan - With the cooperation of the Malaysian Citizens Association (Persatuan Warganegara Malaysia (PWM)), the Iban community of the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) held the Gawai Festival 2008 over the weekend.

Celebrants marked the celebration together with Police Commissioner cum guest of honour Pehin Datu Kerma Setia Dato Paduka Seri Zainuddin bin Jailani, his wife, Malaysian Citizens Association President Simon D Gelan and various sponsors of the event.

Different ethnic groups made up of Iban, Orang Ulu, Kadazan, Dusun and Bisaya staged colourful performances at the event, while artistes Christopher Kelly and Winnie Albert serenaded the crowd with a variety of songs.

The day also saw a lucky draw, as well as a comedy sketch by the organising committee. By Malai FadleyRizal

Source: (July 01, 2008)