Medan food outlet to open in Ipoh

Ipoh - Ipoh, a haven for food lovers, will soon have another delectable fare to offer.

Ipoh Datuk Bandar Roshidi Hashim said a famous nasi padang restaurant from Medan, Indonesia, would be opening its first outlet in the city next year.

“The Ipoh City Council is excited that the Simpang Tiga Restaurant chain is making its way here,” he told reporters after opening the 2008 Ipoh International Orchid Festival recently.

The restaurant chain, he added, had five outlets in Medan.

Noting that nasi padang was already a hit in Kuala Lumpur, Roshidi said he believed its availability in Ipoh could potentially draw in tourists who were in search of good food.

“A local entrepreneur had invited the owner to set up an outlet here and he would be coming later this month to seek out a good location.

“We have suggested the outlet to be located on Jalan Tahwil Azar or near Sultan Abdul Aziz Recreational Park,” said Roshidi, who had patronised one of its restaurants while visiting Medan.

“It is properly managed and the food is great,” he said, giving his endorsement.

On a separate matter, Roshidi said the council had plans to turn Greentown into the “Green Lung of Ipoh”.

“The whole area will be planted with a variety of plants to make it green like its namesake,” he said, adding that building proprietors had been urged to help out.

He added that five council officers would be sent to Nanning, the green city of China, to learn more about the greening of cities.

Source:  (December 16, 2008)