UniSIM, USM Share Skills In Teaching Bahasa Malaysia

Penang - In an effort to expand Bahasa Malaysia to the international level, Singapore`s SIM University (UniSIM) is cooperating with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to share expertise, syllabus and training in developing the language.

UniSIM president, Professor Cheong Hee Kiat said the two universities hoped they would attain the objective through the cooperation fostered for the new Bachelors in Literature programme (Bahasa Melayu and Literature)(BAML) offered by UniSIM.

"The programme will be offered in January and will focus on the history, origin and development of a civilisation through Bahasa Malaysia (BM) in the Malay Archipelago.

"Malaysia is a good choice as its people use BM daily and we are honoured to be able to work with USM," he said at a news conference after signing a Memorandum of Understanding on the matter with USM at USM`s campus here Tuesday.

USM was represented by its Vice-Chancellor Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak.

Cheong said USM would offer the services of its lecturers to go to Singapore and teach several core courses because the have the skills needed.

Source:  http://www.bernama.com  (December 16, 2008)