Public Urged To Report On Radio Stations Using `Rojak` Language

Kuala Lumpur - Complaints on the use of `bahasa pasar` or `rojak` language by radio stations should be reported to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commmission (MCMC), Dewan Negara was told Wednesday.

Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum said the public complaints would encourage the use of Malay as the medium of communication among radio listeners.

"Members of the public are encouraged to report radio stations using bahasa `rojak` to the ministry or MCMC," he said in reply to a supplementary question by Senator Datuk Wira Syed Ali AlHabshee.

He said the ministry was always monitoring the situation and had warned some radio stations for using `rojak` language regularly.

"They had been warned but no stern action had been taken against the radio stations. We are monitoring the situation to ensure that the national language is not marginalised in the dissemination of information to listeners," he added.

Source:  (December 17, 2008)