Yogyakarta new park boasts national hall of fame for leaders

Yogyakarta - A park in the sultanate city of Yogyakarta offers much more than simply recreation, with a local organization promoting the legacy of former leaders in its leafy surrounds.

Taman Pintar, or Smart Park, is home to sculptures of the country`s five former presidents, along with inscriptions of their most famous quotes, in honor of their services to the nation.

The park, which will add to its unique collection as leaders are succeeded, was officially inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Tuesday.

Sculptures of the hand, face and foot of founding president Sukarno, second president Soeharto, third president BJ Habibie, fourth president Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid and fifth president Megawati Soekarnoputri can be seen at the park along with their prominent quotes printed in their respective inscriptions.

The late Sukarno was represented by his son Guruh Soekarnoputra at the ceremony, the late Soeharto by his relative Soehardjo, Habibie by his close friend Watik Pratiknya, Gus Dur by his daughter Yenny Wahid and Megawati by her daughter Puan Maharani.

"Taman Pintar is a bright initiative which will enhance education for people in the area," said Yudhoyono, who will someday join the park`s equivalent "hall of fame".

Situated on Jl. Panembahan Senapati, the park itself was opened in 2006 by Mayor Herry Zudianto.

Divided into a Playground, Heritage Building, Oval Building, Square Building and Memorabilia Hall, the park also offers opportunities to learn about natural sciences through practical activities. Children can test their proficiency in maths or physics, learn to plant rice or explore Indonesia`s cultural heritage like batik, keris (traditional dagger) and wayang (Javanese leather puppets).

Park management head Sukirno said the number of visitors had reached 2,000 people per day in the past, and that number could quadruple if a special event was held.

Also attending the ceremony were Yogyakarta Governor Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik.

The stop at Yogyakarta was part of the president`s five-day tour of the region, which will end Wednesday with a visit to the Military Academy in Magelang, about 40 kilometers north of Yogyakarta. Yudhoyono graduated from the academy in 1973.

Source:  http://old.thejakartapost.com  (December 18, 2008)