SUAMPRIPAD Launches Malay Language & MIB Week

Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit Arabic Religious Secondary School for Girls (SUAMPRIPAD) on Monday launched "Malay Language and Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) Week" at the school`s multipurpose hall.

The event is aimed at raising interest and improving knowledge of the Malay language and MIB subjects among students.

Present at the event were principal Ustazah Datin Piah binte Haji Mohd Saat, vice principal Ustazah Hjh Sarimah binte Haji Ahmad, senior officers, teachers and students of the school.

There is an exhibition showcasing local handicrafts, traditional food, students` work and books on Malay language and MIB as well as demonstrations on ketupat weaving and kelupis making.

The highlight of the day was a competition to choose the best ketupat casing and kelupis, which drew the participation of more than 20 teachers.

Other activities lined up for the week include an ambuyat preparation contest, kite competition, poetry recital and quizzes.

Source: (10 Mei 2007)

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