Roberto Carlos Tangani Anzhi

Moskow - Anzhi Makhachkala kembali membuat berita heboh. Hanya satu bulan setelah merekrut Samuel Eto"o, klub kaya anggota Liga Rusia itu kemarin memecat pelatih Gadzhi Gadzhiyev. Seperti dilansir Daily Mail, Gadzhiyev dipecat lantaran tak bisa memaksimalkan sumber daya pemain yang dimilikinya. Sebab, meski telah mendatangkan Eto"o dari Inter Milan dan Yuri Zhirkov dari Chelsea, penampilan klub dari wilayah Dagestan itu masih labil. Dalam enam laga terakhir di Liga Rusia mereka baru memetik satu kemenangan.

Anzhi sendiri, tak langsung mencari pelatih top untuk menggantikan posisi Gadzhiyev. Namun, mereka justru menunjuk bek veteran Roberto Carlos sebagai pelatih sementara. Carlos akan dibantu asisten pelatih Andrei Gordeyev. Carlos sendiri, akan menjalani peran ganda. Sebab, selain melatih dia juga tetap turun ke lapangan sebagai pemain. Tugas pertama Carlos sebagai pelatih pun cukup berat. Di mana, dia dan rekan-rekannya akan menghadapi Lokomotiv Moscow akhir pekan ini.

"Ya, Carlos nanti tetap akan bermain meski statusnya adalah sebagai pelatih. Dia akan menjalankan peran itu (pelatih) sampai klub menunjuk pelatih permanen," kata Joao Carlos, rekan satu timnya di Anzhi kepada O Globo.

Lalu, siapa pelatih yang diincar Anzhi? Dengan kekuatan uangnya, sang owner Suleyman Kerimov tak akan kesulitan mendatangkan pelatih top. Namun, dari sekian pelatih top, Kerimov lebih tertarik untuk mendatangkan Fabio Capello. Kebetulnya, kontrak Capello sebagai manajer timnas Inggris akan habis setelah perhelatan Euro 2012. (bas)

Heboh, Video Mesum Siswi SMP di Semarang

Semarang – Masyarakat terhenyak. Kalangan dewan pun tak kalah terkejut. Belakangan beredar video mesum yang diduga dilakukan sepasang siswa-siswi SMP asal Kota Semarang di situs Youtube.

Anggota Komisi D DPRD Kota Semarang Yanuar Muncar mendesak pemkot melalui Dinas Pendidikan (Disdik) untuk segera melakukan penelusuran kebenaran atas hal tersebut. Hal itu layak dilakukan, karena kejadian tersebut bisa menjadi aib bagi dunia pendidikan di Kota Semarang.

“Saya sudah melihatnya, dan jika mendengar dari pembicaraannya, memang agak mirip dengan gaya bahasa Semarangan,” katanya, Senin (26/9).

Untuk itu, Disdik bekerjasama dengan aparat kepolisian, harus memastikan video tersebut. Jika terbukti pelakunya merupakan siswa di daerah Mijen, maka nantinya harus dilakukan pembinaan dan sanksi tegas dari instansi terkait.

“Selama ini banyak kasus seperti ini, hanya saja penanganannya berbeda-beda. Dalam hal ini, kita dihadapkan pada sesuatu yang mengagetkan, hal negatif muncul dari kalangan pelajar kita sendiri,” ungkapnya.

Belum Mengetahui
Terpisah, Kepala Disdik Kota Semarang Bunyamin mengaku belum mengetahui soal beredarnya video mesum yang diduga dilakoni sepasang siswa SMP tersebut. Meski begitu, pihaknya akan segera mencari tahu kebenaran atas video tersebut.

“Jujur, saya belum tahu. Saya saja sekarang masih ada rapat di Magelang,” ungkapnya.

Seperti diketahui, salah satu video Youtube dengan judul Siswi-SMP-Ketangkep-diBSB-Semarang menampilkan adegan porno siswa-siswi SMP di sebuah kawasan hutan.

Video berdurasi 6,34 menit, yang diunggah oleh seseorang dengan nama akun Madesubagus pada 21 Juli lalu.

Dari situs video populer tersebut diketahui, hingga kemarin tercatat sebanyak 5.259 orang telah mengakses dan menonton video tersebut. Dari pembicaraan yang terekam melalui hidden camera (kamera tersembunyi) milik seseorang yang berhasil menangkap tangan pasangan muda itu, si perempuan sempat mengaku bertempat tinggal di daerah Ngaliyan. Si cowok pasangannya disebut-sebut bernama Roni.

Namun, sekitar pukul 20.00 semalam, mendadak video tersebut sudah diblokir oleh pihak server, Youtube sendiri. [mor]

Video Porno Siswi SMA, Warga Sidrap Heboh

Sidrap - Video porno yang diperankan siswi sekolah kembali beredar. Setelah video porno yang diperankan dan "disutradarai" oleh siswi SMP di Malang, Jawa Timur, kini, ada video serupa yang diduga diperankan siswi SMA 2 Rappang, Sulawesi Selatan.

Hampir sepekan ini, masyarakat Kota Parepare dan Kabupaten Sidrap dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video mesum, yang diduga dilakukan juga oleh mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare (Umpar) tersebut.

Video berdurasi 2 menit 43 detik itu memperlihatkan siswi melakukan hubungan layaknya suami istri. Video tersebut diduga diambil dengan mengunakan telepon seluler berkamera pada Juni tahun 2011 pada hari Minggu sekitar pukul 11.00 Wita.

Kepala Polres Sidrap AKBP Syamsi, Selasa (27/9/2011), mengatakan, pihaknya sudah mengantongi nama-nama dalam video tersebut. Si perempuan berinisial WAS (16) dan IDR (20). Diduga pula, mereka melakukan aktivitas haram tersebut di Jalan Muhammadiyah, di salah satu rumah warga Kota Rappang, Kabupaten Sidrap.

"Sebaiknya masyarakat tidak ikut menyebarkan video tersebut karena kami saat ini sedang menyelidiki siapa pelaku penyebaran. Kami juga berharap agar orangtua para pelaku sekaligus korban bisa bekerja sama untuk mengungkap kasus ini," kata Syamsi.

Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Nurkanaha Kabupaten Sidrap pun mengharapkan video ini tidak lagi disebarkan. Dia khawatir, video ini memberikan dampak buruk kepada dunia pendidikan. "Kami mengharapkan agar video tersebut dihapus saja karena video ini menjadi virus di dunia pendidikan," kata Nurkanaha.

Goyang Yahud Ayu Ting Ting Kian Heboh

Jakarta - Popularitas penyanyi 'Alamat Palsu' Ayu Ting Ting kian melejit. Tidak hanya pamornya yang mulai menyaingi pedangdut Indonesia lainnya, followers di twitternya juga meroket tajam.

Menurut pantauan dalam acccount twitter-nya, artis dengan suara serak-serak basah dan goyangan yahud itu kini sudah memiliki 6.000 followers di twiteernya. Selain itu terdengar kabar juga bahwa kini sekali manggung ayu dapat mengantongi Rp20 juta.

Gadis asal Depok berusia 19 tahun ini, tak pernah membayangkan jika tembang dangdut ritmik 'Alamat Palsu' - nya mampu menerobos pasar lagu di Tanah Air. Bahkan lagunya ini mampu menyaingi kepopularan tembang-tembang yang dibawakan grup boy band yang lagi marak saat ini.

Bukan hanya masyarakat biasa, beberapa penyanyi lain pun banyak yang hafal lirik lagu tersebut, sebut saja Julia Perez (Jupe), The Virgin dan Uut Permatasari.

`Ojek` make the going easy for some in East Kalimantan

Samarinda - More than 500 ojek, or motorcycle taxis, have been recruited to ferry media workers and officials between venues at the National Games in East Kalimantan.

In Samarinda, which has three main venues -- Palaran, Sempaja and Segiri -- at least 130 ojek are at the ready to take journalists and officials from venue to venue.

Some people are even taking the motorcycle taxis to travel between venues in the Palaran sports compound, a sprawling area located in a hilly area outside the city. It is the venue for gymnastics, rock climbing, badminton, diving, motorcycling, athletics and soccer.

Although taxicabs are provided, most people prefer ojek when going to Sempaja, around a 45-minute drive from Palaran, because it allows them to beat the traffic as they make their way through the city.

The Sempaja complex is hosting the basketball, fencing and pencak silat competitions, as well as the athletes compound. Other sports held outside Palaran include soccer, men`s softball at the renovated Segiri stadium, kempo at a school building, tae kwon do at a local university and dance sport at Bumi Senyiur Hotel.

With the Games in full gear, ojek drivers are among the most popular people around.

"We have almost 100 trips every day," said an attendant at the service desk in front of the main media center.

Those seeking a ride register at the desk first, and an ojek, which shuttles in from near the gymnastics building opposite the media center, is paged.

"None yet," one motorcycle taxi driver, Andy, said when asked how many fares he had had for the day.

Andy said he applied to be an official ojek driver for the Games at the local military office two months back. Requirements had to be met, including a record of good conduct and all the necessary motorcycle documents and a valid driver`s license. The drivers, who come from two districts around Palaran, were required to be between 25 and 45 years of age.

The ojek started operating on July 4 and the service will continue through the end of the Games on July 18. Drivers receive Rp 150,000 per day. Meals and fuel are included.

Another driver, Firman, said Rp 150,000 a day was far more than he usually earned.

"I usually make Rp 70,000 a day, maximum," he said.

The drivers are supposed to be paid every three days. However, as of Tuesday, they had yet to receive their first payment.

"We haven`t gotten it. According to the contract, we should have been paid by now," Firman said. Musthofid

Source: (July 10, 2008)

Singapore, Thailand to expand education co-op

Singapore - Singapore`s Education Ministry said on Wednesday it will expand education cooperation with Thailand.

The cooperation areas between the two sides will include vocational and technical education, the teaching of mathematics and science, and the use of information and communication technology (ICT).

These new areas were committed by Ng Eng Hen, Singapore`s Education Minister and his Thai counterpart Somchai Wongsawat when they met here Wednesday, said a statement by the ministry.

Wongsawat, also Thailand`s Deputy Prime Minister, is on a two-day visit to Singapore from Tuesday. This is the first meeting between the two education ministers, according to the statement.

The cooperation was discussed under the Civil Service Exchange Program between the two countries.

The 8th program coordinating meeting took place in Bangkok at the end of last month. During the meeting, Singapore and Thailand also agreed to increase the number of partner schools from 10 to 15 pairs, and to support the continuation of ongoing initiatives such as annual student camps, exchange of teachers, scholarships and school visits. Editor: Bi Mingxin

Source: (July 09, 2008)

MILF rejects Brunei offer to broker talks

Manila - An offer by Brunei Darrusalam to broker the stalled peace talks in Mindanao was rejected by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Mohagher Iqbal, MILF chief negotiator, maintained that Malaysia should still head the International Monitoring Team (IMT), whose mandate will expire on Aug. 31.

He said this position is based on the terms of reference signed by the government and MILF which bestowed on Malaysia the IMT leadership role, while other countries and groups shall be invited only as participants.

The terms of reference was signed on Sept. 8, 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

"We appreciate [Brunei`s] offer. We salute them for all their brotherly concerns and due regards to peace and justice in our lands," Mr. Iqbal told BusinessWorld in a telephone interview.

On June 21, National Development Party of Brunei President Yasim Affandy made the offer to head the negotiating team in his keynote address at the official opening of the party`s third annual general congress.

"I can confidently say that Brunei and its people hope to see permanent peace prevail in the southern Philippines. As a close neighbor that shares 600 long years of history, I believe it is also our responsibility to ensure progress in the peace talks between MILF and the government of the Republic of the Philippines," Mr. Iqbal quoted Mr. Affandy as saying.

Mr. Iqbal said Mr. Affandy considered the Malaysian contingency`s pullout in the IMT as an opportunity for Brunei to show its capability to take over the leadership role.

He said changing the terms of reference to accommodate Brunei`s offer is remote since the government panel has yet to finalize plans to resume the talks.

The government earlier asked Libya to head the IMT shortly after the Malaysian government decided in May to withdraw its troops. Brunei, Libya, Japan and Malaysia are part of the IMT.

Meanwhile, Mr. Iqbal said the government has submitted to the Malaysian facilitator on Tuesday its counterproposal to the MILF`s points in the governance aspect of the draft ancestral domain agreement.

BusinessWorld tried to get in touch with government chief negotiator Rodolfo C. Garcia but he was unavailable for comment.

The signing of the ancestral domain will pave way for the creation of an Islamic state.

Ceasefire violation

In a related development, MILF civil military officer Eid Kabalu accused the military of violating the ceasefire in Sarangani and Sultan Kudarat by bringing in troops without proper coordination.

"This is a violation of the ceasefire [agreement] and we are filing a letter of inquiry and protest with the Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities," he told BusinessWorld in a telephone interview.

Mr. Kabalu said the troops were transported by navy vessels on Tuesday night and docked at Milbuk village, Maitum town in Sarangani province.

A company of the 38th Infantry Battalion with two tanks and six 105-millimeter howitzers were also deployed in Palimbang town, Sultan Kudarat province.

Military troop and asset deployment is also going on in Lebak town, also in Sultan Kudarat, the site of a powerful blast on June 24 that hit and severely damaged a power barge causing total blackout in the town, Mr. Kabalu said.

Armed Forces chief Gen. Alexander B. Yano said even if they respect the primacy of the peace process, the military remains vigilant and is prepared for a fire fight.

"I have directed the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) to be vigilant and take appropriate actions while upholding the primacy of the peace process to protect the people against those who disrupt peace," he told reporters in a forum organized by the Manila Overseas Press Club at the Hotel InterContinental in Makati City on Tuesday evening.

He reiterated calls for the MILF leadership to "show their control over some recalcitrant and wayward elements." — Jhoanna Frances S. Valdez and Darwin T. Wee, BusinessWorld

Source: (July 10, 2008)

Learning to practice batik making at Textile Museum

Jakarta - Amid the hustle and bustle of traffic and commerce in Central Jakarta`s Tanah Abang area stands an European-styled building.

The former residence of a French citizen now houses the Textile Museum, with its large front yard and its shady trees in stark contrast to the hectic life on the street.

The spacious and quiet room of the museum displays a wide variety of cloths from different parts of Indonesia, each labeled with information on their origins, types of material, production processes and purposes of use. A visitor will get to know, for example, that South Sumatra`s capital city of Palembang also has its own batiks, while men in the interior regions of Kalimantan wear clothes made of refined bark as smooth as textiles.

When The Jakarta Post recently visited the museum, a batik making course was announced near the back of the museum.

After passing a large garden, visitors reached a fairly big hall. It`s actually a garden of various plants used as natural coloring dyes. Young teak leaves, for instance, can be used to paint cloth maroon.

Some people were seen taking a batik course in the hall, drawing patterns on fabrics and waxing the motifs already drafted.

For beginners, the cost is Rp35,000 per person, including the cloth for patterning, wax and colorings. Participants run the gamut from housewives and teenagers to working professionals and retirees.

Those who are not so good at drawing need not worry, as different samples of motifs are available for copying onto fabrics before being hot-waxed by using a canting, or spouted copper vessel.

All the participants seriously applied wax on their drawings, with occasional whines as the hot wax dropped on their hands or went on the wrong lines.

According to Yeni, the course`s part-time batik teacher and an Indonesian Arts Institute graduate, many people did not understand the waxing process is to prevent colors from mixing together.

"If a batik cloth is composed of various colors, dyeing and waxing of colored parts are usually done several times," she said.

After the dyeing process is completed, the wax is removed by boiling the cloth and then the hand-made batik is sun-dried.

Many of the participants had long known about the course before signing up.

"I could attend the course only this time," said Jeanette, who with her friend Paulina visited the museum from Pluit, North Jakarta, especially to learn batik making. "I really want to be able make a batik piece by hand."

Yeni said apart from adults, a lot of students interested in batik would come in study-tour groups organized by their schools.

"Though students sometimes get burned by the wax, they`re happy to be able to make batik handkerchiefs to be taken home. They usually get simple motifs and only need to dye the pieces only once."

The course is also good to help children learn to concentrate. "This is particularly for autistic children," said Yeni, who has several times conducted art therapy for children with autism.

She said that although there are standard batik making norms, participants are free to draw whatever they like on their works.

"Some have even drawn bells and snowmen amid Solo`s traditional batik motifs."

An advanced course is also available, costing Rp200,000 to make big-sized fabrics for scarves, tablecloths or sarongs. The motifs for this level are more complicated and require a longer time to complete.

"Many employees come here on Saturdays and Sundays to finish their batik as the process is longer, which is not the case for beginners," added Yeni. By Juliana Harsianti

Textile Museum
Jl. KS Tubun No. 4, West Jakarta
Phone: 021-5606613
Batik courses are available Sunday and Tuesday-Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Source: (July 09, 2008)

RBPF organises Quran reading contest

Bandar Seri Begwan - The Royal Brunei Police Force organised an Al-Quran reading competition at the Stadium Hassanal Bolkiah, Police Headquarters recently. The theme of this year`s Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran is "Al-Quran Pemangkin Kecermerlangan Ummah Dalam Membentuk Kesejahteraan Negara`.

Present as the guest of honour was the Police Commissioner Pehin Datu Kerma Setia CP Dato Paduka Seri Zainuddin bin Jalani who presented the prizes to the Qari winners while his wife, Datin Surati bte Hj Morneh presented the prizes to the Qariah winners.

An invited Qari, Awangku Mohd Adibul Amin bin Pengiran Hj Marjuki, the national Qari champion of 1429/2008 was also present to recite the Al-Quran. As many as five Qaris and Qariahs participated in the competition.

SGT 1765 Abdul Ghani bin Haji Safar from Branch `C` and Dayang Mastura bte Ali from Branch `E` were chosen as the Qari and Qariah champions in the Royal Brunei Police Force Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran.

SGT 1765 Abdul Ghani scored 83 per cent while Dayang Mastura scored 73 per cent. They will represent the RBPF for the Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran for departments under the Prime Minister`s Office.

For Qari, second place went to APO 6472 Md Yusri Haji Abu Bakar from Branch `A` with 82 per cent and third place went to PC 5211 Lamat bin Dubahar from Branch `B` with 76 per cent.

Meanwhile for Qariah, second place went to W/PC 5415 Hjh Siti Salwa bte Hj Abu Bakar from Branch `D` with 71.5 per cent. Third place went to Recruit 5502 Norlee Yane bte Mohd Daud from Branch `A` scoring 67 per cent.

One of the aims of the competition was to select RBPF representatives for the upcoming Musabaqah Tilawah Al-Quran for departments under the PMO. By Hj Minor Absah

Source: (July 08, 2008)

Meulaboh dancers make Jakarta debut

Jakarta - Many local traditions have become lost in the mists of time, and only a few manage to find a way to stay vibrant in the modern era.

One that is succeeding is a fresh form of Acehnese dance that will make its debut in a newly choreographed performance here on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The performance, She Lagee, is the work of Asnawi, a choreographer who directs a troupe of about 40 village artists from Meulaboh regency, Aceh.

"I was fascinated and captivated by the passion they display despite the hardships they constantly face," Asnawi said.

Asnawi himself is the son of a charismatic seudati leader, Syekh Lah Genta. Seudati is the popular form of all-male performance where the only music accompanying the dancing and singing is rhythmic torso-slapping. The dance form is arguably the second-most performed Acehnese dance after the saman dance.

In their heyday, Lagenta‘s troupe performed both in Indonesia and abroad, including at the 1991 KIAS -- the biggest Indonesian performing arts festival in the United States. His group, along with two others from Sumatra, were awarded a prestigious Bessie Award for their critically acclaimed run of nine consecutive evening shows at the Joyce Theater in New York.

Asnawi belongs to a new generation. He decided to undertake formal education in dance and choreography, graduating in 2000 from the Jakarta Institute of the Arts. He has since created several fresh works of his own, characterized by their trademark Acehnese influence.

It was during a trip to serve as a judge at an annual local performing arts competition that he met the village performers that make up his newest group.

With the support of an NGO as the producer, Asnawi came up with an idea to rejuvenate a form of dance from Meulaboh best known as rapai lagee 12.

"Originally the dance is performed by 12 men playing the rapai (a large kind of tambourine), with the singing and lyrics taken from oral literature," he said.

For She Lagee, he takes the core of this form but combines it with other traditional forms found in Aceh, such as the popular seudati.

"In the new piece, I reduced the rapai 12 to four men only. But the rhythms and patterns are the same," he said.

She Lagee, which means "shifting style or attitude" in Acehnese, has a layered meaning. It is unfailingly a metaphor, both on and offstage.

"As you know, the war is over in Aceh, but that doesn‘t mean there is no more war. Even after surviving the conflict period and the tsunami, the Acehnese are still struggling to hold onto the good old principles that seem to be forgotten," Asnawi said.

"Ironically, it‘s during peace time that I see those noble principles ‘shifting‘ and I wish simply to give a reminder of them through this performance."

The result is a performance woven from a combination of dance, music, singing and oral literature -- all reworked to be taken onto the stage.

The 40 performers, who range from school students to village artists, were selected out of 200 who auditioned across Meulaboh. They have been rehearsing together for the Jakarta show for about two months.

"Many have never even visited the center of Meulaboh city and now they have to fly to the capital, Jakarta," Asnawi said.

"But they are determined." Helly Minarti

She Lagee
July 8-9, 2008
Graha Bhakti Budaya hall, Taman Ismail Marzuki arts center,
Jl. Cikini Raya no. 73, Central Jakarta
Tickets Rp 30,000 to Rp 75,000
Phone: Aidil 081360809096; Agus 081586111603

Source: (July 09, 2008)

Dikir Competition for SOAS Mosque celebrations

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Mosque is set to celebrate its golden jubilee on September 26, this year.

As part of the activities leading up to the celebration a Dikir Syarafil Anam was held yesterday.

Present as the guest of honour was Pengiran Seri Wijaya Pengiran Haji Ahmad bin Pengiran Mohd Yusof, Senior Assistant President of Adat Istiadat Department, Brunei Darussalam.

The ceremony began after the mass Magrib prayers with the customary recital of the Surah Al ‘Fatihah by Begawan Pehin Khatib Haji Hamidon Bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib DPSS Haji Abd Hamid.

Three teams from across the nation comprising of more then 20 men were invited to perform during the Dikir Syarafil Anam competition. The Nurul Taqwa team began with the ‘Dikir Assalamualaikum‘ followed by the Al - Barakah team with ‘Dikir Khairuman‘ and the Mohammad Bolkiah Mosque Team with their rendition of ‘Dikir Bisahrin‘.

A short break was observed to make way for the mass Isyak prayers and continued with Nurul Taqwa performing ‘Dikir Barat‘ and ended with the Mohammad Bolkiah Mosque team showcasing ‘Dikir Asrakal‘. The event ended with the doa read by Mudim Haji Ahmad Kasra bin Haji Ibrahim.

According to Mudim Hj Amran Hj Mohd Salleh, Assistant Secretary of the Joint Executive Committee for the celebrations, the competition is one of many activities lined up as the nation draws closer to the golden jubilee. By Hj Ahmed Shaheeb

Source: (July 07, 2008)

RI, Kl Agree To Enhance Ties Through Epg

Kuala Lumpur - Indonesia and Malaysia have agreed to enhance their cooperation through the formation of an eminent persons group (EPG) tasked with forging cooperation in all fields, including handling issues related to migrant workers, illegal logging, culture and border areas.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi officially introduced seven EPG members from each other‘s countries in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.

The seven EPG members from Indonesia are Gen (ret) Try Sutrisno, former vice president, Ali Alatas, former foreign minister, Quraisy Shihab, former religious affairs minister, Des Alwi, former foreign ministry official, Musni Umar, lecturer at the University of Indonesia (UI) and chairman of the Institute for Social Empowerment and Democracy (Insed), Maria Purenti Sri Suniarti, lecturer at UI and chief of the Pudentia Verbal Tradition Association, and Wahyuni Bahar, deputy chief of the Permanent Committee on International Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Trade of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

Meanwhile, the Malaysian side is represented by Musa Hitam, Mohammad Zaidi Zainuddin, Khuu Kay Kim, Halim Ali, Amar Dr Haji Hamid Bugur, Joseph Pailin Kitingan and Syed Ali Taufik Alatas.

In his address to the EPG‘s inauguration, President Yudhoyono said problems had often arisen from bilateral relations and that the two countries must be committed to resolving the problems.

He expressed hope that EPG members would soon hold a coordination meeting to inventorize all problems arising from the relations between the two countries.

"Through mutually beneficial approaches, the two sides could resolve the problems arising from their bilateral ties," he said.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meanwhile said Indonesia and Malaysia had long established diplomatic ties since 1967 and the two countries were determined to enhance the existing good relations.

"We will continue to enhance the good relations which benefit the two sides," he said.

President Yudhoyono is here for a two-day visit among others to attend a D-8 (group of eight developing countries) summit.

From Malaysia, he will fly to Japan on Tuesday for the summit of eight industrialized nations (G-8).

Source: (July 08, 2008)

Singapore PM urges successful Singaporeans to give back to society

Singapore - Singapore`s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Monday urged more Singaporeans especially successful Singaporeans to donate and help build a giving nation.

While Singaporeans from all walks of life have been donating to charities generously, and contributing their time and effort to do good works, there is still a need for more Singaporeans to donate, according to their means and from their heart, he said at the opening of the new premises of the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Center.

The prime minister noted that the national volunteerism rate has risen from 9 percent in 2000 to nearly 16 percent in 2006, and nine out of 10 Singaporeans gave to charity.

Last year, donations to Institutions of a Public Character(IPCs)went up by more than 50 percent to 820 million Singapore dollars (about 603 million U.S. dollars).

He encouraged the more successful Singaporeans to pitch in to help the weaker ones, saying "collectively, these individual actions will make our society much more compassionate, and much more cohesive."

"Like the American magnates and our own forefathers, we should also encourage successful Singaporeans to deploy a significant portion of their wealth to some larger purpose which they feel committed to," he added.

"Those who have succeeded must feel the impulse to give back to society. The more they have gained from society, the greater their obligation to give back something to their fellow citizens. They must not allow society to be split between the haves and have-nots, and undermine the whole basis for able people to succeed and create wealth in Singapore," said the prime minister.

He noted that the older generation of immigrants who came to Singapore in search of opportunities and who went from rags to riches took it upon themselves to give back to society and help those who came after them.

They set up charitable foundations like the Lee Foundation and Shaw Foundation. Where there were no temples or mosques, they donated and raised resources to build them. Where schools were needed, they established them to enable the next generation to benefit from the education that they themselves had missed.

Source: (July 08, 2008)

Brunei serious about safety of its wildlife

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam currently has four wildlife sanctuaries that total up to 8,916 hectares.

The wildlife sanctuaries are - Pelong Rocks (two hectares), Pulau Berambang (721 hectares), Pualu Siarau (393-hectares) as well as Taman Warisan Tasek Merimbun (7,800 hectares), which has been declared an Asean Heritage Park.

Under the Wildlife Protection Act 1978 (Revised 1984), anyone inside a wildlife sanctuary cannot shoot, hunt, kill, catch or take any animal, bird, fish or reptile or disturb their nesting grounds.

Visitors are also not allowed to cut or remove any plantation, start a fire or dig the grounds at any of the wildlife sanctuaries.

This were some of the regulations highlighted by Museums Department Senior Taxidermist Kassim bin Haji Ismail yesterday during a presentation at the launching of the ‘Endangered Species Awareness Campaign‘ organised by Team Symbiotic Ranger of Persatuan Belia Lumapas (PERLU) on the 2nd floor of The Mall.

Kassim bin Haji Ismail also highlighted some of the regulations under the Wildlife Protection Act 1978 (Revised 1984), whereby anyone caught hunting, killing or capturing protected animals (without any licence issued under the regulation) would face a punishment of one year imprisonment and a $2,000 fine.

Meanwhile, anyone found guilty of selling/offering to sell or own any protected animal or any animal part (except for those who hold a licence issued under the regulations) would face imprisonment of six months and a fine of $1,000.

Additionally, no one is allowed to export the 34 species protected under the Wildlife Protection Act 1978 (Revised 1984).

Anyone found guilty of exporting the endangered species will face a jail term of one year and a $2,000 fine.

The senior taxidermist also spoke of some of the cases of attempted turtle egg smuggling and the suspects who were prosecuted. The first prosecuted case was reported in May 2005.

In his presentation, he also outlined the seven species of mammals, 25 species of birds and four species of reptiles that are protected.

The protected species are: The Proboscis Monkey, Orang Utan, Rhinoceros, Tarsier, Clouded Leopard, Slow Loris, Dugong, Cattle Egret, Storm‘s Stork, Lasser Adjutant Stork, White Bellied Sea Eagle, Grey Headed Fishing Eagle, Black Napped Tern, Brown Winged Tern/Bridled Tern, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Stork Billed Kingfisher, Ruddy Kingfisher, Black Capped Kingfisher, Great Argus Pheasant, Bulwer‘s Pheasant, Malaysian Peacock Pheasant, White-Crested Hornbill, Bushy-Crested Hornbill, Wrinkled Hornbill, Wreathed Hornbill, Black Hornbill, Pied Hornbill, Rhinoceros Hornbill, Heimated Hornbill, Earless Monitor Lizard, Green Turtle, Hawksbill turtle and Leatherback Turtle. By James Kon

Source: (July 07, 2008)

Indonesian president arrives in Kuala Lumpur for D8 Summit

Kuala Lumpur - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to attend the 6th Summit of the Developing 8 countries (D8).

Susilo is the first head of state to arrive here for the one-day summit, which will be held here on Tuesday.

He was greeted by Malaysian Foreign Minister Rais Yatim at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Susilo, accompanied by his wife Ani Bambang Yudhoyono, is leading a 50-member delegation comprising senior officials and corporate figures.

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will open the summit on Tuesday.

The D8 comprises eight developing Muslim nations -- Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, with an objective to improve the position of developing Muslim countries in the global world economy through diversification of their economies by creating new opportunities via enhanced trade relations. Editor: Bi Mingxin

Source: (July 06, 2008)

Singapore launches orange ribbon celebrations to strengthen racial harmony

Singapore - Singapore on Sunday launched the national orange ribbon celebrations as part of its efforts to strengthen the city state‘s racial and religious harmony.

Speaking at the inaugural launch of the national orange ribbon celebrations, Singapore‘s Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan pledged the country‘s continued commitment to racial and religious harmony.

"Harmony, respect and acceptance of diversity are essential for our existence as a nation," he said, adding that "We cannot take this for granted. Fortunately, we have many different groups in promoting inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony, including our grassroots, religious and community organizations and teachers. "

Encouraging people to take part in this month‘s racial and religious harmony celebrations, Balakrishnan said that everyone has a role to play in preserving the country‘s racial harmony, peace and prosperity.

The campaign, an opportunity to celebrate racial and religious harmony on a national level, has also introduced a physical representation of racial harmony -- the Orange Ribbon pin, which carries the words "You plus Me equals TRUST" and reminds people of the importance of racial and religious harmony to the city state.

In July, there will be more events to celebrate racial and religious harmony in Singapore following Sunday‘s harmony walk 2008. Editor: Bi Mingxin

Source: (July 06, 2008)

DBP Reading Month comes to close

Bandar Seri Begawan - Parents are advised to not solely depend on teachers to instil the culture of reading among students.

It is, in fact, the responsibility of all parties, including parents, teachers, the private sector and non-government organisations, to ensure an improvement in the reading culture in the community.

This was said by Director of Language and Literature Bureau (DBP) Dr Mataim bin Bakar during the closing of the Reading Month, at the bureau`s premises in Berakas.

The combined efforts can create a generation with better knowledge, qualification and talent, he added, adding that this could lead to a culture that can hold up in a competitive world.

"To ensure that we have a strong culture that is relevant to global demands, we need to have knowledge-powered culture, which means a strong reading culture," Dr Mataim said. "It is therefore important for everyone to see it as their responsibility to prioritise the drive to increase the habit of reading in the Bruneian community."

Meanwhile, Reading Month 2008 Chairperson Haji Sahari bin Haji Nassar, in his welcoming address, highlighted the importance of reading as without knowledge, Brunei will be left behind in today`s competitive world.

The Language and Literature Bureau, therefore, took the initiative to hosts the reading month, which began on June 1.

Throughout the month, various activities and programmes were held in the four districts, aimed at instilling the habit of reading among the people. It was also hoped that the initiative would encourage the use of libraries as a source of knowledge. By P Marilyn

Source: (July 06, 2008

Angklung Hamburg Orchestra Tampil di Rotenburg

London, Inggris - Konser musik "Angklung Hamburg Orchestra (AHO)" yang menampilkan sound track Mission Impossible menghibur para undangan yang hadir pada Malam Budaya Indonesia di Aula Gedung Theodor Heuss Schule, Rotenburg, Jerman.

KJRI Hamburg dalam keterangan persnya yang diterima ANTARA London, Rabu, menyebutkan, malam budaya Indonesia, Groser Indonesicher Kulturabend bertema Bhinneka Tunggal Ika itu diadakan KJRI Hamburg bekerja sama dengan Volkshochschule Rotenburg.

Disebutkan bahwa acara tersebut dihadiri Wali Kota Rotenburg, Detlef Eichinger, sejumlah pengusaha, akademisi, dan sekitar 150 masyarakat setempat.

Penampilan Angklung Hamburg Orchestra (AHO) yang membawakan lagu-lagu daerah dan internasional, antara lain Besame Mucho, Kopi Dangdut, dan Sound of Music yang mendapat sambutan dari penonton dalam acara malam budaya yang menampilkan gamelan Jawa oleh grup Margibudoyo binaan KJRI Hamburg.

Wali Kota Rotenburg Detlef Eichinger menyampaikan apresiasi yang tinggi atas kerja sama KJRI Hamburg dan Volkshochschule - Rotenburg dalam menyelenggarakan acara pentas budaya ini.

Pada sesi pertama, malam budaya dibuka dengan Tari Jaipong Bajidor Kahot dari Jawa Barat diikuti Tari Pemburu Kijang dari Jawa Tengah, Tari Yapong dari Betawi dan Tari Topeng Kelana Priangan yang dibawakan penari dari Indah Warna Dansgroep, Sanggar Tari Margi Budoyo dan pelajar Indonesia.

Selanjutnya, acara ditutup dengan penampilan Angklung Hamburg Orchestra (AHO) yang membawakan lagu daerah dan internasional, antara lain Besame Mucho, Kopi Dangdut, dan Sound of Music.

Selama 90 menit kemudian terdengar bunyi gong yang menandakan dimulainya penampilan budaya sesi kedua.

Para undangan dengan antusias kembali memasuki ruang pertunjukan untuk menyaksikan berbagai tarian dari Jawa, Bali dan Papua, yaitu Tari Cendrawasih, Tari Sajojo, Tari Merak, dan Tari Jejer-Joran Dawuk dan acara diakhiri dengan penampilan musik angklung yang menampilkan lagu Pileuleuyan, Kicir-kicir, dan Sound Track : Mission Impossible yang mendapat apresiasi dan sambutan meriah.

Penampilan musik angklung menjadi favorit dan dinantikan penonton yang bertepuk tangan setiap lagu selesai dimainkan, bahkan ketika lagu pamungkas Mission Impossible berakhir, penonton tidak mau menghentikan tepukannya dan meminta pemain mengulangi beberapa lagu.

Untuk memenuhi keinginan tersebut, dua lagu internasional yaitu Besame Mucho dan Mission Impossible kembali dimainkan, dan acara diakhiri dengan permainan angklung secara interaktif yang melibatkan sejumlah penonton dengan membawakan lagu Jerman berjudul Dark Eyes.

Musik Sufi "Syubbanul Akhyar" Menghibur London

London, Inggris - Kelompok musik marawis, Syubbanul Akhyar atau Pemuda Pilihan" dari Jakarta pimpinan Nanang Kurnia menghibur lebih dari 1000 penonton dalam acara "The Ecstatic Journey: Music from around The Sufi World", yang digelar di gedung kesenian Barbican Centre, London, Rabu malam.

Tampil di awal pertunjukkan Syubbanul Akhyar yang membawakan empat buah lagu, Maulaya, Sholatun, Allahu Allah dan AnNabi langsung mendapat sambutan tepuk tangan dari penonton.

Selain mereka, konser yang dibandroli tiket sebesar 25 Pounsterling itu juga menampilkan kelompok musik sufi lainnya dari Maroko, India dan Pakistan.

"Kami senang bisa tampil menghibur penonton pengemar musik sufi yang ada di Inggris, apalagi di Barbican Centre yang yang sangat bergensi," ujar Nanang Kurnia.

Menurut Nanang, persiapan yang dilakukan untuk pementasan di London ini selama dua bulan.

Ia berharap dengan tampilnya kelompok musik yang berasal dari Betawi ini dapat menambah syiar Islam dan memperkenalkan musik sufi dari Indonesia ke negara-negara Eropa dan negara lainnya.

Hingga 2011, kelompok ini telah membuat tujuh album rekaman. Mereka terdiri dari Yusuf Chaerul Muhammad, Mursidi Zulkarnain Tohir, Yusuf Abdul Wahid Mohamad, Ahmad Infadz Sainie, Fuad Hasyim Sakiran, Engkin Zainal Mutagin, Heru Firmansyah.

Ini Dia Debut Seni Budaya RI di Festival Afsel

Port Elizabeth, Afsel – Biasanya, Indonesia hanya menjadi penonton. Namun kali ini, Tanah Air mendapat kesempatan tampil di Northern Arts Festival yang bergengsi di Afrika Selatan (Afsel).

Diwakili Konsulat Jendral Republik Indonesia (KJRI) di Cape Town, Indonesia menyuguhkan berbagai seni tari tradisional, pada 24 September lalu. Yakni tari jaipongan dari Priangan dan tari cebing melati yang merupakan kreasi baru perpaduan tarian dari Osing (Banyuwangi) dan Janger (Bali).

“Kedua tarian tersebut dibawakan dengan lemah gemulai oleh dua gadis remaja Afrika Selatan dari EOAN Group, Cape Town,” ujar Konsul Jendral RI di Cape Town, Sugie Harijadi, dalam siaran pers yang diterima redaksi INILAH.COM.

Kedua penari itu dipilih, menurut Sugie, sesuai visi KJRI Cape Town untuk memanfaatkan potensi di wilayah kerja guna mendukung kepentingan nasional. Sehingga, KJRI Cape Town giat membantu generasi muda Afsel yang berminat mempelajari dan mengembangkan seni budaya RI.

“Salah satu penari dari EOAN Group yang tampil itu dibantu memperoleh beasiswa (Beasiswa Seni Budaya Indonesia/BSBI) selama 3 bulan di Indonesia untuk mempelajari beberapa tarian daerah Indonesia,” lanjut Sugie.

Sugie memperhatikan ketika tarian Indonesia akan tampil, tiga ribuan tamu yang datang tampak bingung karena tak pernah mengenal tarian Tanah Air. Namun di akhir penampilan, tepuk tangan penonton luar biasa. “Apalagi ketika tahu penarinya gadis-gadis dari Afsel,” imbuh Sugie.

Northern Arts Festival adalah acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas bersama pemerintah kota Port Elizabeth. Acara bertujuan memberi kesempatan generasi muda tampil mengenalkan bakatnya sekaligus mengenalkan seni budaya masing-masing wilayah atau negaranya.

Acara ini juga dimaksudkan memberi kesibukan generasi muda Afsel, sehingga mencegah mereka terlibat hal-hal yang dapat merugikan. Selama festival berlangsung, panita menampilkan berbagai seni budaya dari beberapa wilayah Afsel dan negara sahabat yang ikut mengisi kegiatan.

Museum Siwalima Maluku Gelar Pameran Keliling

Ambon, Maluku - Museum Siwalima Maluku akan menggelar pameran keliling di kabupaten Buru Selatan dan Maluku Barat Daya pada Oktober sampai November 2011.

"Kami akan menggelar pameran keliling di Leksula, Buru Selatan pada 6-7 Oktober 2011, sedangkan di Maluku Barat Daya akan dilangsungkan awal November 2011," kata Kepala Museum Siwalima Maluku Jeane Esther Saiya kepada ANTARA di Ambon, Selasa.

Menurut dia, pameran keliling tersebut, tidak hanya bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan koleksi benda bersejarah yang ada di Museum Siwalima, tetapi juga menawarkan bantuan penyimpanan barang-barang semacamnya yang beredar di masyarakat.

"Kalau masyarakat bersedia, kami bisa membantu untuk merawat dan menjaga benda-benda bersejarah itu sehingga nantinya juga dapat dilihat dan dinikmati oleh generasi selanjutnya," ucapnya.

Saiya mengatakan, pentingnya pelestarian dan perlindungan terhadap benda-benda bersejarah cagar budaya, agar jejak budaya dan sejarah tidak hilang dan dapat ditelusuri kembali oleh generasi berikutnya.

"Benda-benda itu merupakan bukti dan data dari jejak sejarah dan perkembangan kehidupan manusia pada masa itu," katanya.

Saiya menjelaskan, Museum Siwalima memiliki ribuan koleksi benda bersejarah yang terbagi atas beberapa jenis, yakni etnologi, keramik, oceanologi dan lainnya yang tidak semuanya bisa dipamerkan sekaligus.

"Kami masih kekurangan ruang pameran. Untuk keramik saja, kami memiliki sekitar 5.000 buah, ada yang dipamerkan, ada juga yang disimpan di gudang," katanya.

Ia menambahkan, saat pihaknya sedang merenovasi ruang pameran etnologi, untuk nantinya ditata ulang sesuai jenisnya.

"Benda-benda etnologi sementara dipindahkan ke ruang oceanologi. Kami akan menata ulang posisinya sesuai dengan jenis dan usianya," kata Jeane Esther Saiya.

Nostalgia Masakan Jawa Plus Mainan Tempo Dulu

Panas akibat teriknya sinar matahari siang pada Sabtu (10/4) langsung sirna ketika memasuki Restoran Goela Djawa. Bukan hanya karena pendingin udara atau kipas angin, tapi lebih karena mata dan lidah jadi terasa 'sejuk' berkat hidangan yang ada di sana. Ketika pintu restoran yang berada di Jalan RS Fatmawati Raya No 19 & 69 Jakarta Selatan itu dibuka, sajian makanan Jawa bisa langsung terlihat secara prasmanan di meja. Sekitar 30 menu, termasuk nasi kucing, langsung terlihat mata.

Belum sempat duduk, mata kembali melihat deretan penganan serta mainan tempo doeloe yang membuat ingatan kembali ke masa belasan atau puluhan tahun silam, saat masih kanak-kanak. Ada permen payung, cokelat cap ayam jago, permen Davos, permen susu gambar sapi berwarna oranye, kue kancing, dan masih banyak lagi penganan tempo doeloe yang membuat tergiur untuk mencicipinya lagi. Terlebih dikemas dalam toples warna-warni berbentuk seperti tempat kerupuk.

Harga bervariasi. Pengunjung bisa melihat harga yang tertera dalam kemasannya. Jika dibandingkan zaman dulu, harga sekarang memang lebih mahal, namun sebanding dengan 'nilai nostalgia' untuk mencicipi lagi penganan yang sudah 'nyaris' punah itu.
Tidak ketinggalan aneka permainan untuk anak kecil zaman dulu. Ada bekel dengan bijinya yang terbuat dari besi (sekarang bijinya sudah diganti plastik), congklak dari kayu dengan biji yang terbuat dari kerang (sekarang biji congklaknya kebanyakan terbuat dari plastik), perahu kelotok, kuda lumping, halma. Dan tak lupa teko lurik serta termos warna merah yang legendaris itu. Semua bisa dibeli.

Masih belum cukup, ada pedagang keliling es puding, cendol, atau kue apem yang sekarang tidak mudah dicari. Itu semua merupakan pengalaman kuliner yang coba disajikan di Restoran Goela Djawa.

Pemilik Goela Djawa, Velia Febrianti (25), memang masih pemain baru dalam dunia kuliner. Namun kesukaannya kepada makanan Indonesia membuat hati serta insting bisnisnya tergerak untuk menyajikan makanan tradisional di wilayah Fatmawati.

"Kebetulan saya tinggal di sekitar sini. Usaha laundry juga ada di sini. Kayaknya sudah sampai bosan makan di sekitar sini, karena sudah dicoba semua. Nah, kita lihat ada peluang untuk menyajikan makanan tradisional, khususnya Jawa," kata Velia yang bersama temannya Jerry (27) berpatungan membuka Restoran Goela Djawa.

Alasan Velia memilih makanan Jawa, karena ia sendiri berasal dari Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, sehingga sudah paham mengenai cita rasa makanan dari Jawa. Walaupun tidak turun langsung menangani dapur, sarjana ekonomi dari Universitas Parahyangan, Bandung, ini menyeleksi sendiri koki di restorannya dan mencicipi hasil kreasi sang koki. Kesukaannya menyambangi restoran dan kegemarannya makan membuat lidahnya terbiasa merasakan makanan lezat.

Kreasi sendiri
Menu yang disajikanpun biasanya unik dan sudah pasti njawani. Ada juga yang hasil kreasi sendiri. Misalnya nasi rawon bakar. Nasi yang sudah dibumbu rawon dibungkus seperti nasi timbel lalu dibakar, harganya Rp 17.500. Ada juga nasi gandul dari Pati, nasi lengko dari Cirebon, nasi liwet dari Solo, kupat tahu dari Semarang, dan bakmi jawa (rebus, goreng, nyemek) yang harganya rata-rata Rp 17.000. Selain itu juga ada brongkos, asem-asem, oseng buncis, soun goreng.

Tak ketinggalan nasi kucing. Seporsi nasi kucing (lauknya bisa pilih tempe, tahu, kepala ayam goreng bacem, ceker ayam, atau sate usus) dihargai Rp 3.000. Harga ini tidak terlalu mahal ketimbang di pinggir jalan yang harganya berkisar Rp 2.000.

Selama sebulan masa promosi, hingga 10 Mei 2010, pengunjung akan mendapatkan potongan harga 20 persen. Pengunjung tetap bisa mendapat potongan harga 10 persen jika membawa 5 buah buku yang akan disumbangkan ke organisasi nirlaba Vidya Sanggraha.

"Kita tidak ingin hanya komersial saja, tapi juga ada nilai sosialnya di Goela Djawa," kata Velia. Ia sengaja memilih nama Goela Djawa karena identik dengan Jawa dan manis, walaupun letak restorannya berada di pelataran SPBU Petronas yang identik dengan negara tetangga.
"Ini hanya sekedar memilih lokasi. Saya tidak ingin restoran ini di ruko sehingga menyulitkan ibu-ibu naik tangga. Kebetulan dapat lokasinya di sini," tukas mantan karyawan Astra yang memilih menjadi wirausaha ini. Hmmm ...

Warta Kota Lilis Setyaningsih

Panti Bagi Lelaki China Jompo

Di sebelah Spinhuis (Rumah Tenun) yang merupakan rumah tahanan wanita-wanita binal Batavia, terdapat Rumah Sakit dan Rumah Jompo Lelaki China (Sieken en Oude Mannenhuis der Chinesen).

Lucu juga bahwa di dalam benteng kota Batavia terdapat rumah jompo khusus untuk lelaki China. Dalam tulisannya, Nicolaus de Graaff tidak bercerita mengenai orang-orang China ataupun pribumi yang tinggal di dalam kota.

Rumah Sakit dan Rumah Jompo Lelaki China itu didirikan pada tahun 1646. Di sekelilingnya dibangun dinding kokoh dari batu. Di dalamnya terdapat ruangan-ruangan yang cukup menyenangkan bagi lelaki-lelaki Cina yang lanjut usia itu. Mereka yang berhak tinggal di rumah itu adalah orang-orang yang sakit, yatim-piatu, dan orang-orang yang tidak lagi dapat mengurus atau merawat diri-sendiri. Di dalam pagar yang mengelilingi bangunan itu terdapat taman yang asri.

Semua orang China, mulai dari yang bekerja sebagai aktor dalam opera China ataupun sebagai ahli mercon sampai ke orang yang menikah atau menguburkan sanak-saudaranya, diwajibkan membayar sejumlah uang kepada pengurus rumah jompo ini. Banyak pula sumbangan
berupa uang diberikan oleh orang-orang China yang kaya.

Dua orang berbangsa Belanda dan dua orang berbangsa China ditugasi sebagai pengawas rumah jompo ini

Di kota Batavia juga terdapat Rumah Yatim Piatu (Weeshuis). Anak-anak yatim-piatu Batavia ditampung dan dibesarkan di rumah ini. Bangunannya dikelilingi dinding batu yang tinggi dan kokoh. Di dalamnya terdapat kamar-kamar yang besar untuk anak-anak itu dan untuk orang-orang yang ditugasi menjaga dan mendidik mereka.

Tidak ada dana yang disediakan khusus oleh VOC untuk merawat dan menjalankan penampungan yatim-piatu ini, sehingga pemenuhan kebutuhan anak-anak itu maupun pegawai t Weeshuis tergantung dari sumbangan dan kedermawanan penduduk kota Batavia.

Demikian pengamatan Nicolaus de Graaff atas perjalanannya ke kota Batavia awal. Nicolaus de Graaff (1619-1688) adalah seorang dokter bedah yang belasan kali berkeliling dunia, termasuk lima kali mengunjungi Pulau Jawa. Tidak sekadar berkeliling, dia melaporkan hasil pengamatannya selama perjalanan dalam tulisan yang tajam.

anggota Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia)

Damang Sakka: Preserving Phinisi-making tradition

Makassar - Many still remember the Phinisi Nusantara, the South Sulawesi vessel famous for its voyage to Vancouver in Canada to join the International Vancouver Expo in 1986.

At the time, the ship drew a great deal of international attention because of its traditional construction and solid build, tough enough to cover 17,702 kilometers across the Pacific Ocean in 68 days.

The 120-ton wooden vessel, which is a motorized sailboat, was built in three months by a boat craftsman in Ara village in Tana Beru subdistrict, Bulukumba regency, South Sulawesi, using simple equipment -- and no blueprint.

However, the Phinisi Nusantara might not last long. After serving as a tourist ship, she later ran aground near the Thousand Islands, just off the coast of Jakarta.

The traditional masterpiece remains a part of national and international history, yet very few people even know the architect of the vessel is 64-year-old Damang Sakka.

Along with 20 workers, he assembled wooden components, piece by piece, until the ship was complete and ready to sail.

The Phinisi Nusantara bears witness to Damang`s craftsmanship and determination to preserve the region`s boat- and phinisi-making tradition.

The determination took him to the State Palace in Jakarta in 1987 to receive the Upakarti award for merit from former president Soeharto.

Back at his home in Tana Beru, Damang lamented the poor conditions the Rp 500 million (US$54,347)-worth ship had fallen into, and said it should be properly maintained as living evidence of an historic expedition.

"I`ve heard the ship is in bad shape, while it can actually become a tourist attraction or study lab for children," Damang said.

The father of four has his reasons to complain: apart from the historical value of the ship, the building process was special.

While it usually takes Damang six to eight months to construct a vessel, he completed the Phinisi Nusantara within three months, without sacrificing on quality.

The Phinisi Nusantara is one of the dozens of ships and phinisi-type ships Damang has built since he began his traditional craft in the early 1970s.

Damang is also one of the few boat builders still active in Tana Beru. Only five survived the 1998 monetary crisis that saw a reduction in orders and a rise in raw material costs.

Damang followed in the footsteps of his father and ancestors, who handed down their shipbuilding and business skills through the generations.

Before entering the trade, he worked as a phinisi boat skipper from 1960 to 1972.

"I got increasingly bored of being at sea and finally decided to start building vessels along with my father and siblings," he said.

In very little time, he learned the ins and outs of traditional sailboat building, from material selection, simple equipment application, construction without a blueprint, to the rituals required before and after the undertaking.

To increase his knowledge, he also worked as apprentice at PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (IKI), a national shipbuilding firm in Makassar.

Originally, he focused only on phinisi sailboats, but orders for other models rose -- from traditional phinisi and fishing boats, to modern cruisers and motorboats for inter-island transportation of various sizes.

Orders have come from as far away as Germany, Australia, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Papua.

On the other hand, orders for phinisi boats have decreased in number and their models modified to meet customer needs: either with sails or motorized or combined, such as the three customized units ordered by the Forestry Ministry.

However, typical phinisi features are retained while contemporary ship technology is adopted.

Damang warned phinisi shipbuilding could die out some day, with a shrinking number of craftsmen and entrepreneurs willing to risk the high costs involved.

He said builders were forced to buy wood from other regions, such as Papua and Selayar regency, South Sulawesi, at higher prices.

He added many skilled phinisi builders had been enticed to Papua, Sumatra, Kalimantan and even abroad, by the promise of better money, thus throwing into doubt the origins and heritage of the phinisi vessels they built.

Damang called on the government to grant a patent to phinisi boats as a unique product of the Tana Beru culture, and an Indonesian heritage.

"Unless patented right away, other regions or countries may claim phinisi boats as their own products because the vessels are now built there," he said.

Damang continues to pass on his knowledge and expertise to relatives and youths in Tana Beru, and employs 30 people to help preserve the phinisi shipbuilding tradition.

Some of his trainees have become independent shipbuilders, while others ply their trades in other regions and abroad.

"Everyone should be involved to maintain the glory of the phinisi tradition," Damang said. Andi Hajramurni

Source: (July 05, 2008)

Retro-themed S`pore Food Fest kicks off at Lau Pa Sat

Singapore - Historic Lau Pa Sat was transformed to look like it did in the 1960s, for the launch of the Singapore Food Festival last night.

And the guest of honour, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan gamely tried his hand at cooking up char kway teow.

Organised by the Singapore Tourism Board and Peter Knipp Holdings, the month-long festival is now in its 15th year.

This year, the focus is on the heritage and history of Singapore`s local fare.

Mr Lee said of his spatula-wielding experience: `It reminds me of my childhood days because I used to help with some cooking when I was young.`

He said that the dish of fried rice noodles was among his favourites but added that when he has been away for too long, he tends to miss `soupy food` like fishball noodles, or laksa and mee siam.

`We have a wide range of cuisine which reflects our multicultural society,` he said. `It is also a reflection of Singapore being a melting pot between the East and the West.`

The retro theme of the festival is reflected in the first core event this weekend.

The feasting takes place today and tomorrow at Lau Pa Sat (Hokkien for old market), where Singaporeans can buy traditional syrup-drenched ice balls for 10 cents and watch black and white P. Ramlee movies in Boon Tat Street.

Vernon Cornelius, a popular Singaporean singer in the 1960s, will also perform.

During the next four weeks, activities and events will be taking place across the island.

These include a seafood weekend at Robertson Walk, a family lunch at the Ulu Ulu Safari Restaurant at the Night Safari and a Singapore-style beachside barbecue at Sentosa. By Rebecca Lynne Tan

Source: (Julu 04, 2008)

First Indonesian product fair kicks off

Bandar Seri Begawan - The first Indonesian Product Expo was launched yesterday, with the aim of showcasing Indonesian products as well as adding further value to and strengthening bilateral trade relations.

Officiating the launch was Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Indera Mahkota Pg Anak (Dr) Hj Kemaludin Ibni Al-Marhum Pg Bendahara Pg Anak Hj Mohd Yassin, the Speaker of the Legislative Council who attended as the guest of honour.

Also present at the event were Ambassadors and High Commissioners from the diplomatic corps, senior government officers as well as invited guests. The venue of the five-day event is the indoor stadium in Berakas.

In his welcoming speech, the Ambassador of Indonesia, Herijanto Soeprapto said that "Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia are not only benevolent neighbours but also closely enjoy a strong partnership in many aspects and dimensions." The ambassador went on to add that the state visit of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam to Indonesia last April provided a new impetus for a stronger commitment to strengthen the bilateral relationship at all levels with a view of maximising mutual benefits for the two countries. He also took the opportunity to thank the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mandiri, Brunei Hotel and Royal Brunei Airlines for their support and contribution in making the Indonesian Product Fair a success.

The first Indonesian expo features some 100 booths displaying a variety of Indonesian products. The exhibition is a collaboration of local company Syarikat Perdana Sdn Bhd and PT Prima Cipta Mandiri as well as the Indonesian Embassy of Brunei Darussalam. The exhibition also presents a venue for meeting business counterparts for commercial opportunities as well as offering international products with an Indonesian touch ranging from handicraft, garments, jewellery, vanity items, textiles, silverware, furniture, food products and Muslim clothing.

There was also a cultural presentation of Indonesia during the launching ceremony yesterday. By Jon Tampoi

Source: (July 04, 2008)

Seven books written on state`s history

Johor - SIXTY-five researchers and writers have been selected to write on the state‘s history over the past eight years.

State Rural and Regional Development Committee chairman Asiah Ariff said they were chosen after attending workshops organised by Yayasan Warisan Johor.

She said the workshops were organised to chronicle the history of all past leaders and personalities in the state.

“The upcoming workshop will be conducted on July 18,” she said.

Asiah told Datuk Osman Sapian (BN - Kempas) that the teams had produced seven books so far.

Among the books are Pejuang Terbilang Johor (2002), Tokoh Ternama Johor (2003), Pengukir Nama Johor (2004) and Pengemudi Bahtera Merdeka Johor (2007).

Asiah also said the group was working on a book of biographies of important personalities, which would be released next year.

Source: (July 05, 2008)

Singaporeans love their food

Singapore - Try engaging in a casual conversation with a Singaporean and you’ll soon find the all-consuming topic of breakfast, lunch or dinner being inevitably whisked into the discussion.

Not to be mistaken as a cultural tendency towards ‘gluttony of excess’, the passion Singaporeans share towards food is closely knit to the very heart of society – community.

Here in Singapore, you’ll find that eating out is more than just a common affair; it’s very much a communal affair as well.

Popular local food haunts like Lau Pa Sat are often frequented by Singaporeans, who take the opportunity to spend time with friends and family over a great meal at all times of the day.

And the local cuisine scene boasts an amazingly wide array of dishes, thanks to the nation’s multi-cultural background.

In fact, it’s normal to see Singaporeans of various ethnicities sitting together at a common table, enjoying a spread of dishes that equally reflects the culture’s diversity.

Think Chinese food is all about stir-frying? Try the laksa – a popular spicy noodle soup dish that combines Chinese and Malay elements into one mouth-watering bowl, guaranteed to leave an unforgettable impression.

Hawker centres and food courts are great places to find delicious local fare at affordable prices. Just remember to observe some basic local etiquette.

Tissue packets on tables often mean that the selected tables have been reserved by someone, so it’s considered rude to remove the items and to sit at the ‘reserved’ table.

Likewise, utensils from non-Halal stall shouldn’t be mixed up with those from Halal stalls, out of respect for the religious beliefs of many Muslim Singaporeans.

Source: (July 04, 2008)

Maulana M. Syuhada: Exploring the world with music

Jakarta - A driving passion to bring a group of high school students to perform traditional angklung music around Europe despite a very tight budget has led Maulana M. Syuhada to experience miracle after miracle.

Not only did the team of 35 students from Bandung, who finally departed for Europe after borrowing some 8,000 euros from their school board, seize attention at European festivals but they also won a number of judges` highest awards during their 40-day adventure around Europe in 2004.

Maulana, who is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at the Lancaster University`s School of Management in the United Kingdom, recalled that time as the best period of his life -- a moment when a seemingly deadlocked crisis ended in an international tribute from people absorbed in the beautiful clear sounds produced by the instruments made from bamboo.

The story of Maulana and his 35 students, which has been published in a book titled Forty days in Europe, started with the passion to revive the long-abandoned traditional instrument from West Java.

"I was astonished with the way foreign people appreciated angklung," said Maulana, a native of West Java who brought his love of angklung to Hamburg, Germany, in 2001.

He was in Germany to pursue his master`s degree in production management at Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg.

While absorbed in his studies, Maulana also established an angklung group consisting of university students, who performed at several local events.

"There was lots of applause every time our group finished playing. I then realized that angklung had yet to lose its fame. We were going to revive it and so I took the chance when my alma mater contacted me to help them organize their journey," said the 31 year-old Maulana.

From July 22 to Aug. 30, 2004, Maulana took the students, grouped under Angklung Lovers of Bandung Senior High 3, or KPA 3, to travel from festival to festival in Europe. The trip included performances in Bremen, Berlin, Brussels and Paris, with its peak at the Aberdeen International Youth Festival in Scotland, followed by performances in Prague, Munich and Frankfurt.

The crisis began long before they arrived in Europe when suddenly their major sponsor, a multibillion-dollar mining company, canceled its pledged 10,000 euro donation after all preparations and schedules had been confirmed.

"I was really shocked to think that the whole year of preparations I had done might just fall through. We might not only fail to perform, I could also be sent to jail because of the breach of contract with European festival organizers. Our group had agreed to perform with our own money and we couldn`t simply cancel it."

Maulana said they were bound by contracts not only with event organizers but also with the accommodation and transportation companies he had contacted to facilitate them.

"We had no choice at that time, the show must go on. Those students had to join the festivals, no matter what. Besides, they had been preparing for the journey and money was no reason to quit."

The group finally departed for Europe after borrowing 8,000 euros from the school board.

"I told my group we could sell CDs of our angklung performances and other souvenirs, including our angklung sets to cover the 10,000 euros we were short."

"My suggestion actually didn`t make any sense. I knew from the very first time we would not be able to raise that much money only by selling CDs. It wasn`t realistic, but I had to keep their spirits up," he said.

Although being in debt, preoccupied with the cash shortage and having to live within the tight budget during their long stay in Europe, Syuhada and his group managed to make a splash.

Their performances seized audiences` attention, winning first prize at a festival in Kostelec, Czech Republic, and the highest award of Ciupaga at the Zakopane festival in Poland.

In addition, the Zakopane festival also already awarded them with a gold medal for folk band category and silver for soloist category. There were four categories contested at the Zakopane festival.

"Initially, we actually performed as a special quest and not as a participant in the Zakopane festival. Somehow, the judges said they were deeply impressed with the way we performed angklung and they decided to give the award to our team."

"It was like a dream when the committee said we won the highest award since we were expecting nothing more than applause."

During their performances at festivals, Maulana`s group played several traditional songs from Minangkabau and Tapanuli and also national songs, such as "Tanah Air" (Motherland) and "Indonesia Pusaka" (Indonesia, the Heritage).

Team member Anggi Utami Dewi also participated in the festival`s competition in which she had to sing in Polish, deliver a speech in Polish and dance the country`s national dance. At the close of the festival, KPA 3 staged a famous Balinese dance and another angklung performance, but with a modern flavor, playing "New York, New York".

"The audience kept applauding for us and they didn`t seem to stop unless we gave them more," recalled Maulana.

The memorable journey in Europe soon turned into a nightmare after they got back to Indonesia.

The team still owed the school board some 8,000 euros and the Aberdeen festival organizers another 8,000 euros.

The team managed to raise some 8,000 euros during their performances in Europe, including a sum of money donated by Indonesian consulates in European cities. They decided to use it to pay the school board. To cover the other 8,000 euros, the team decided to put on several fund-raising performances at home.

"But once we got home, we were all already busy with our own activities. Besides, with the tsunami disaster at that time, it seemed we would not be able to raise enough money because people would prefer to make donations to help tsunami victims."

Although the tsunami might have hampered them in raising funds, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

"We wrote a letter to the Aberdeen festival trustee at that time, telling them we couldn`t raise money to pay for the festival debt."

In February 2005, the Aberdeen committee informed KPA 3 that they would not need to pay the debt. They agreed to clear the debt.

"It sounded like another miracle just arrived. Once I heard the news, I directly prayed to God for his blessing during the start of our seemingly impossible journey till now. Things would not be able to happen without His willingness," said Maulana.

Taking angklung international gave Maulana the best experience of his life.

"It was the most worthwhile experience in my life and I would not trade it for anything else," said the second of three children.

The successor of KPA 3 will depart for Italy and Greece on July 15. Maulana decided not to take part to focus on his academic research.

"They already have everything settled except for the money. Classic problem. But I believe they will make it." Lilian Budianto

Source: (July 04, 2008)