Mulaut Primary School Visits Brunei Museum

By Aemy Azlena

Bandar Seri Begawan - Twenty four Mulaut Primary School students went on an educational visit to the Brunei Museum in Kota Batu yesterday led by teachers Hjh Hartini Hj Zinin and Ernie Erwana Mohd Erman.

The visit taught them about Brunei`s rich history and linked new facts to their studies.

"This is the first time for these children to visit the museum," said Hjh Hartini Hj Zinin.

Two museum staff from the education services section, Hjh Rudiah Ibrahim and Dyg .laliah Hj Ahmad guided the group.

Brunei`s largest museum lies three kilometres from the capital. It houses historical artefacts including natural history, a large collection of elaborately gilded Holy Qurans, centuries-old porcelain, ceramics and jade, Islamic artefacts, and exhibits on Brunei`s oil development and discovery.

The visitors also walked down a small path behind the museum to go to the Malay Technology Museum, a redroo fed building along the banks of the Brunei river.

The Malay Technology Museum offers an insight into the techniques and traditional technological tools of the Brunei Malay.

Some of the featured exhibits include handicraft development, traditional boat making, goldsmithing and metal-working techniques, architecture, fishing, mock ups of longhouses and traditional buildings

Source: (17 April 2007)

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