Forum To Strengthen Malay Language

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Malay and Language Literature Bureau is set to hold a language forum on May 29 at the Municipal Hall in Kuala Belait, as one of the activities to mark the 23rd National Day celebrations.

The key objective of the event is to enhance awareness of the impact of globalisation on the Malay language if no effort is made to strengthen the language.

Themed "Loving And Upholding Malay Language", the forum will be led by three panellists: Malay and Language Literature Bureau Director Dr Mataim bin Bakar, Haji Mohd Zaini bin Omar from Brunei Shell Petroleum, and Teo Wee Wee from St John School.

A question-and-answer session will also be held. Among the guests invited to the forum are senior government officials in the Belait District, Brunei Shell Petroleum personnel, village leaders, village consultative council members, school principals as well as representatives from youth associations in the Belait District.—

Source: (26 Mei 2007)

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