Youths Learn About Cultures Through Dance

Jakarta - For most people, traveling may be the only way to appreciate new cultural traditions.

But for participants at the second Indonesian Youth Karawitan Concert on Monday and Tuesday, that life-changing experience was all part of the show.

Almost 200 students from six schools and two art and dance studios, including Deutsche Internationale Schule (German International School) in Serpong, Banten, took part in the concert.

"The gamelan sound is unique," said 10-year-old Sahriaa Fenna Ingratubun from the German school.

The girl said she joined the gamelan orchestra to meet new friends.

"They`re nice," she said while showing a piece of paper filled with her new friends` signatures.

The event, which was initiated last August, was a joint initiative of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, the National Education Ministry, the National Commission for UNESCO and Radio of the Republic of Indonesia.

The concert was aimed at promoting a sense of appreciation for traditional Indonesian music and culture among youth.

Tita, a sophomore at the Lab School in South Jakarta, told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday that her participation at cultural events like the concert had allowed her to be more appreciative of Indonesia`s cultural diversity.

"It`s been an amazing experience," the gamelan (traditional Javanese orchestra) enthusiast said. "Watching other students practice and perform the Gondang Batak ensemble made me more interested in North Sumatra and its traditions."

Gondang Batak was one of the six song-and-dance ensembles that performed Tuesday evening.

Saman, a traditional Acehnese rhythmic dance, was also part of the evening line-up. The performance also included a Javanese gamelan performance, a Kawih Sunda vocal ensemble, Balinese Yadnya and Janger vocal performances, and a Gambang Kromong and Rebana Betawi ensemble.

Traditional cultural performances may not be the top choice for many young Indonesians growing up as part of a generation idolizing pop culture.

But according to Putri, a participant from South Jakarta high school SMU 70, not all youth are solely enthused by contemporary music and dance.

"I`m one of those not keen on modern dance moves," the freshman said. "We prefer traditional dance because it provides a more culturally enriching experience."

Source: (2 Juni 2007)

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