Singapore - Traveling at an average speed of 19 knots, the Ms Amsterdam gave us several lazy days at sea to enjoy the balmy 78- degree weather.
I love those days at sea. The warm, salty breeze; the endless blue sky and ocean join at the horizon; the span of nature void of man`s frenzied intrusion. Do you recall as a child lying on the grass and watching clouds? A ship is a perfect place to recapture that stress-free awe of the universe.
At night an even greater wonder is beheld. Crossing from the Northern into the Southern Hemisphere, the common constellations and star groups change position or are missing entirely. You don`t have to be a stargazer to realize the nighttime sky is changing.
Polaris, the North Star, is now below the horizon and the low fall/winter constellation Orion is almost directly overhead. You may have heard of the Southern Cross, the smallest constellation in the sky. Now visible, it points to the south celestial pole. Running through it, the Milky Way is visible with a faint star cluster known as the Jewel Box. The sky presents itself with an entirely rearranged sparkle.
Books and videos are returned to the ship`s library. Preparations are made for an early morning arrival in Singapore. Passports have been reviewed on board by the Singapore officials. All guests going ashore must respond to the early morning announcements for collection of their passports before heading to the gangway. I`m not an early riser, I need that wakeup call from the front desk and room service`s fresh coffee to get ashore.
Singapore has an interesting history and has become a prosperous island country. Although it`s the smallest country in Southeast Asia, it has the highest standard of living. Measured by gross domestic product per capita, it is the 22nd wealthiest country with a foreign reserve of $119 billion. It is noted for strict regulations and has controlled it pollution levels to well within World Health Organization standards.
The Republic of Singapore is colorful, unique, historical and modern. Historic buildings have been restored to blend in with modern day surroundings. Literally rising from the dust at the conclusion of World War II, its history includes colonization by the United Kingdom in the 19th century; occupation by the Japanese in World War II; and then a merger that established Malaysia. It gained independence without natural resources, industrialization or a developed economy.
Consisting of a main island and 63 small islands off the tip of the Malay Peninsula, 90 miles north of the equator, the temperature is tropical all year.
You can walk Singapore day or night without worry. Jaywalkers and people who litter, including those who toss cigarette butts to the ground, are fined on the spot. Convicted drug traffickers can expect a death sentence. "Inappropriate" Web sites are blocked.
More than 3 million people with 14 major nationalities live within Singapore. There are four official languages: English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. English, however, is the most widely-spoken language. The local colloquial form of English is Singlish, which has borrowings from Chinese dialects and Malay and is spoken with its own unique inflections.
If it`s made and it`s legal, you can buy it in Singapore, a shopping paradise. Oh, how I love the smell of the spices and fresh jasmine at the markets.
Then, of course, there is the Raffles Hotel, home of the Singapore Sling cocktail.
Source: (13 Februari 2008)