Taiwan Film Festival formally opens

Manila - The Taiwan Film Festival and “Enchanting Taiwan” Photo Exhibit formally opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Tomas Aquinas Research Center of the University of Santo Tomas.

Shown in photo are (from left) Robert Rivera of RPN Channel 9, Mayor Alfredo Lim of Manila, National Artist for Literature Dr. Alejandro Roces, Taiwanese Ambassador Hsin-Hsing Wu, and University of Sto. Tomas vice-rector Rev. Fr. Clarence C. Marquez .

The film festival and photo exhibit is one of the activities marking the celebration of the 397th anniversary of the UST. It is made possible through the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and the UST through the Office of Public Affairs, Office of the Secretary General, the Students Organizations Coordinating Council, and the UST Graduate School.

Source: www.manilatimes.net (25 Februari 2008)

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