Tasawwuf Can Rid Social Ills

Bandar Seri Begawan - A Religious seminar on Islamic `Tasawwuf` and its influence in society, particularly in Brunei Darussalam, was held at the Senate Room of Chancellor Hall, UBD yesterday.

The one-day seminar was launched by the, guest of honour, UBD Vice Chancellor Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Hj Duraman.

According to the guest of honour, Tasawwuf is a basic knowledge that must be learnt by Muslims, as it helps them cleanse their souls from `spiritual ills` especially in this modern and challenging time.

"I am sure that if a genuine Tasawwuf is successfully (adopted by) all Muslims, social ills (in the country can be) solved," he said, adding that the greatness of Islamic Dakwah will become more widespread and effective as the teachings of Tasawwuf will make Muslims good role models to others including non-Muslims.

The seminar, which was oganised by the Usuluddin Department, Sultan Hj Omar Ali Saifuddien Islamic Studies Institute, carried the theme, "Shaping good behaviour among Brunei society through genuine Islamic Tasawwuf.

Six speakers shared their thoughts on a variety of issues related to Tasawwuf. Among them was Dato Seri Setia Hj Kasim Hj Lamat, whose working paper was on Tasawwuf education in the curriculum for religious schools.

The sessions were chaired by Dr Hj Mohd Zain Mohmoud and Ustazah Hjh Mariam Abd Rahman.

Source: www.brudirect.com (30 Januari 2008)

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