Well-coordinated strategies keys to realising Wawasan Brunei 2035

Bandar Seri Begawan - By 2035, Brunei Darussalam wishes to be seen everywhere for the accomplishments of its well-educated and highly skilled people, quality of life and the dynamic and sustainable economy.

This was highlighted in the Brunei Darussalam Long-Term Development Plan, a recent publication made available to the public by the Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE).

The Sultanate today enjoys one of highest standards of living in Asia with its per capita income one of the highest in Asia. It has achieved almost all the target of the Millennium Development Goals and its standards of education and health care are among the highest in the developing world.

Brunei must adapt to changes and all this entails by way of ambition, innovation and bold planning.

The challenges facing the nation lie in finding ways to do them successfully while upholding the values upon which the nation has developed and progressed.

To meet these challenges successfully by 2035, several key areas are aspired to excel which include an educated, highly skilled and accomplished people, our quality of life and our dynamic and sustainable economy.

In realising the national vision known as Wawasan Brunei 2035, the need to develop and implement an integrated and well-coordinated national strategy comprising these key elements: an education strategy that will prepare our youth for employment, an economic strategy that will create new employment for our people and expand our business opportunities, a security strategy that will safeguard our political stability and our sovereignty, an institutional development strategy that will enhance good governance in both the public and private sectors, a local business development strategy that will enhance opportunities for local SMEs, an infrastructure development strategy that will ensure continued investment by government, a social security strategy that endures as the nation prospers, all citizens are properly cared for and an environmental strategy that ensures the proper conservation of our natural environment and cultural habitat.

To realise the vision, these strategies will need to be developed by both government and private bodies and implemented as well as co-coordinated by a national strategy.

Source: www.brunei-online.com (28 Januari 2008)

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