Indonesia shows "Garuda Wisnu Kencana" statue in Berlin Tourism Bourse

Berlin - Indonesian stand in International Tourism Bourse (ITB) in Berlin, Germany, put on display a replica of the "Garuda Wisnu Kencana" statue symbol of environmental rescue in the event which will last until March 9 and participated in by several Asian countries.

Indonesian Ambassador to Germany Makmur Widodo and Marketing Director General of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, Thamrin Bhiwana Bachri in Berlin on Wednesday dedicated the pavilion covering 500 square meters of land.

Participants which are promoting their products in the Indonesian pavilion comprised 65 tourism industries, among others hotels, and representatives of the provincial government of Bali, East Java, Central Java, West Lombok district administration and Jayapura administration.

Jayapura district administration will promote Lake Sentanu in a festival in June this year.

The dedication of the Indonesian pavilion was also attended by Hazarin Pohan, Indonesian Ambassador in Warsaw.

In a bid to support Indonesian participation in the Berlin ITB which is followed by 10,923 participants from 180 countries, the Indonesian Embassy unfurled a Visit Indonesia Year 2008 banner in one of the fly-overs and on the buses in the city for two months.

Meanwhile, Thamrin Bhiwana Bachri said, in connection with the Visit Indonesia Year (VIY) 2008, the government has set a target of seven million tourists to the country compared to 5.5 million visitors in 2007.

According to him, in 2007 some 116,000 German tourists visited Indonesia and in 2008, which is expected to increase to 159,000.

Source: (8 Maret 2008)

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