Malaysian Boy Wins International Peace Poster Contest

Kuala Lumpur - A 13-year-old boy from Bidor, Perak, created history by winning the grand prize in the 20th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest.

Ming Yang Soong emerged victorious after competing with more than 350,000 children, aged between 11 and 13, from 81 countries worldwide.

"I felt very sad to see so much fighting and so many people dying in the world. I hope my drawing will help to promote peace.

"All nations must work together to keep this world peaceful," he said in a statement Tuesday.

His grand prize poster was chosen for its originality, artistic merit and portrayal of this year`s contest theme "Peace Around the World".

Ming will be recognised for his accomplishment on Friday at Lions Day with the United Nations in New York City where he will be presented with an award and prize money of US$2,500 (RM8,000).

His parents, two younger sisters and Bidor Lions Club president Thinavukkarasu Murugiah will accompany him to the award ceremony. Ming enjoyed drawing portraits and art since five years old. In 2006, he won the second place of state art competition and Toyota Road Safety Programme.

A member of his school`s art, badminton and Leo Clubs, he hoped all countries on this planet would support peace and that all people would live in harmony.

In addition to the grand prize winner, 23 merit award winners have also been announced.

After being exhibited at the 91st Annual Lions Club International Convention in Bangkok in June, the 24 winning posters will be displayed throughout the year at the children`s museum and various locations throughout the United States.

Source: (12 Maret 2008)

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