Opening A Chapter Of Knowledge

Bandar Seri Begawan - The theme for the Brunei Book Fair 2008 "Books Are The Future" is a good step for continuous improvement and a very relevant motivation for those who have a passion for reading.

This was said by Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Dewa Major General (Retired) Dato Seri Pahlawan Hj Awg Mohammad bin Hj Daud, at the official opening of the book fair at the International Convention Centre yesterday.

Those who read a lot will possess a wide knowledge, as well as the ability to speak eloquently. Additionally, a nation with an educated generation takes root from its love of the written words. As the saying goes, "The road to knowledge begins with a turn of the page".

"However, being an articulate speaker is not enough to embrace current developments without knowledge," the minister added.

"Efforts such as the establishment of the `Library Bus Service` with the theme "Membaca Nadi Kejayaan Bangsa" (Reading is the pulse of a nation`s success), libraries at longhouses, Family Library Borrowing System Service of 100 books per family and Community Library Services, in time, will breed `Tunas Bangsa` or `Brunei Youths` who `love books, love education`."

He said that one of the ways to determine the highs and lows of a nation`s civilisation is through the quantity and quality of reading because books provide discipline to those in all fields of expertise and skill. This expertise and skill, once possessed and mastered, will make a nation that is capable of competing in the international arena.

He also touched on the work of the Language and Literature Bureau through the launch of the Library Bus Service in January this year, saying that the service will influence the school community and institutions by giving them a chance to obtain reading materials to sharpen their minds and improve their knowledge.

Furthermore, the `Group Borrowing System` can encourage reading in families that value education through reading.

A myriad of books could be seen at the book fair, ranging from those written by established local writers (published by the bureau) to religious books `arid English books.

The minister also launched a number, of books written by authors from the Asian Book Publishers Association (ABPA) from Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, one of which was a book written by Mataim Bakar, Director of the Language and Literature Bureau entitled "The Phonotactics of Brunei Malay: An Optimality Theoratic Account".

This year`s book fair saw the participation of nearly 120 sections with more than 60 companies selling local and international books, compared to 90 sections and only 50 companies last year.

The venue has also changed — from the indoor stadium last year to the ICC this year. This is due to the former location`s inability to accommodate the increasing number of participants, which, according to Mataim Bakar, is a good move because it shows that the community realises the importance of books and knowledge.

Comparing this year`s theme to last year`s, `Books Strengthen the Nation`, the director said that it portrays a clear strength and significance when it comes to books.

He said that the theme summons the community to realise the importance of books as a guarantee for a future. He hoped that books will influence those who are not that passionate about reading to try and pick up a book for their own good.

There will also be a number of activities lined up during the 10-day book fair such as quizzes, games, story competition, drawing and colouring competitions and workshops. The fair will end on March 7, 2008

Source: (28 Februari 2008)

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