Unissa To Serve As A Bridge Between East And West, Says Deputy Minister

Bandar Seri Begawan - It was one year ago that His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam announced the establishment of a second university in the sultanate, in his 2007 New Year titah. The university was to be known as Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali or Unissa, that His Majesty hoped, would be a "landmark of Islamic glory in the country and also play a role in producing Muslim scholars and intellectuals needed by the nation".

On August 6, 2007, the university began its first academic year with the intake of 152 students for Bachelor and Master`s degrees and PhD programme. After a year since its establishment, this young university has embarked upon its path towards its mission and vision and planted a firm foundation in the local educational scene. In an exclusive interview, the Deputy Minister of Education, Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad Pengiran Hj Abdul Rahman who is also the interim rector of the Islamic university, shared with The Brunei Times the achievements of the university for the past year.

Q: In early 2007, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalam had announced the inauguration of a second university in Brunei Darussalam, to be known as Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali. After one year, can you explain the efforts that had been made and have they been successfully achieved by the university?

Answer: After a year since its inauguration, I can say Al-Hamdulillah that we had been able to overcome several difficulties, for example in successfully preparing the draft of the constitution for the university, acquiring financial allocations, renovating the interior parts of the Institut Pengajian Islam Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien`s building (IPISHOAS) which is currently operating as a temporary building, and planning the construction of a new building, nearby the current facility to enable the university to operate for several more years before moving to the new campus.

The university`s logo has also been approved and will be launched shortly. We have also been able to organise a dialogue with several stakeholders that had opened up our minds on many areas that can be explored. Courses have been organised for the lecturers regarding the best methods of teaching and learning. The management of the university as well as the Ministry of Education had coordinated several study visits to renowned universities in the Middle East - including University Al-Azhar in Cairo (Egypt), Canada, the US and the UK.

Last year several study visits were made to higher education institutions and important agencies in Malaysia, such as the International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIA), Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), University of Malaya (UM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Univerisit Sains Malaysia (USM), the National University of Malaysia (UKM), Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia and the Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA). All of these gave a lot of input for the university`s planning in the future.

Q: How about in the aspect of academics, plans and activities that Pengiran Dato wanted to carry out?

A: Currently, we have four faculties and three centres; (1) Faculty of Syariah and Law which offers Bachelor of Syariah (Fiqh wa Qada) and Bachelor of Syariah (Fiqh wa Usul), (2) Faculty of Usuluddin which offers Bachelor of Usuluddin (al-Tafsir wa al-Hadith) and Bachelor of Usuluddin (al-Aqidah wa al-Dakwah), (3) Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Civilisation, offering Bachelor of Arabic Language, (4) Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, offering Bachelor of Science Islamic Finance, (5) Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Languages, (6) Mazhab Shafi`i. Research Centre, (7) Research and Post-Graduate Studies Centre.

As there is a need for the nation`s development, God Willing the university for the first time, would establish a Faculty of Laws, referring to the example of Faculty of Laws in UIA, Malaysia.
However, this new faculty would be different, suitable to the legislation system in Brunei, and at the same time taking into consideration the laws of Commonwealth and Asean.

The Attorney General Chamber would give its cooperation in the establishment of this faculty, which should be opened at par with the development in other countries, as we never had such faculty before. Therefore, the Faculty of Syariah and Law would be known as Faculty of Sariah and Judiciary, which is` appropriate with its functions. Programmes under this faculty would be offered during the new academic session in August this year.

In addition, the faculty would use English language as the medium of instruction, except those having to attend Arabic Language course.

In relation to that, the university is also currently evaluating thoroughly the possibility of offering ICT Programme and Islamic Management.

In introducing the Bachelor Degree programmes, at the same time, we have also developed a Master`s Degree (MA) in Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, that is currently attended by more than 20 students, both local and international. I think this is a way forward that can strengthen the prestige and position of the university, in the aspect of scholarly improvement and to flourish research sectors.

Q: Any new university needs campaigns and information to attract the attention of locals as well as others. So, what efforts are being taken to promote Unissa so far? And what steps you plan to take in the future?

A: Our earliest step in promoting the university was by organising visits to several overseas universities, at the same time, studying the systems, journey and development of respective universities, studying their best practices, that can be used as examples.

God Willing, after the university is firm in its position, we will take the next step to sign Memorandum of Understanding with any suitable higher institution.

Meanwhile, inside the country so far, Al-Hamdulillah, the public has realised the existence of this university and the university`s name has been mentioned quite regularly, which shows that they know about it. However, it is the responsibility of the university`s management to double its efforts in promoting the image of Unissa, so that the public can approach and benefit from it.

Q: In your view, what can differentiate Unissa from other universities, Islamic or not, in the region or at the global level?

A: In my opinion, what actually differentiates the university from the rest is its vision and objectives to be achieved that is to develop an Islamic university based on the teachings of alQuran and al-Sunnah.

The other objective is to produce Ulama or Islamic scholars and intellectuals. We cannot deviate from this objective, because we realise that the number of true Islamic scholars is decreasing, whilst the number of Muslims is increasing in the region that need their services.

To generate the said Islamic scholars and intellectuals, Unissa plans to cooperate with University Al-Azhar and other universities in the Middle East, as well as several other western universities, in our efforts to improve religious` knowledge, Arabic Language and professional knowledge.

Q:What about your own vision towards this university?

A: This university is established with genuine objectives, that is to upgrade the level of Islamic scholarship and other general knowledge. I believe that in the future, Brunei Darussalam will become one of the favoured Islamic reference centres in the region.

For that reason, we have to strengthen the curriculum, Arabic and English, apart from our national language.

At the same time, we have to steel the line of academic workforce by recruiting capable lecturers with wide experience and by inviting renowned Islamic scholars and experts to deliver speeches and lectures from time to time.

By doing this, I assume that it will be possible for the university to attract the attention of local and international students. This is because Muslims today really need a university such as this to be the bridge between the East and the West.

From my previous visits to several universities, I found out that all of them welcomed this intention and the aim of the university`s establishment.

Q: Arabic has a high position among the languages of the world, in the aspect of politics, economy, tourism and such. The language is also one of the medium of instruction for the studies in Unissa. Hence, what is your opinion about how to make Arabic favoured by the students as well as the general public in Brunei?

A: For Arabic to be favoured by the students as well as the general public, I think that there are some measures that need to be taken. They are:

(1) To provide an in-depth understanding and highlight the importance of Arabic in matters of worship. Muslims, apart from other matters, need a good command over Arabic because of close relations with the Arab world

(2) A modern Arabic Language Centre should be set up, equipped with facilities that can attract the students so that teaching and learning process of Arabic can be carried out effectively.

(3) To draft an updated curriculum, which is interesting and easy to be carried out.

(4) Get skilled and capable teachers:

Q: Lastly, what is the niche for the university?

A: I think what has become the niche for the university is a true and genuine Islamic studies in Arabic and English, to memorise parts of al-Quran according to respective programmes and recite them well.

Other than that, referring to the understanding of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jammah and Mazhab Shafi`i and offering general programmes with Eng lish as medium of instruction and accounting the Islamic perspective.

We hope with this niche is to produce Islamic graduates with global thinking.

The establishment of Unissa will become the symbol of excellence and glory of a religious way of life in the country, suitable with the concept of Malay Islam Monarchy (MIB). Unissa as a true Islamic university signifies the commitment of His Majesty in preserving Islam and to produce Islamic scholars who will further develop and enrich the understanding of Islam among the growing Muslim population.

Source: www.brudirect.com (5 Januari 2008)

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