Folks in remote Sukau get to play global role

Kota Kinabatangan - The fact that locals from Sukau now travel overseas to partake in conferences and even give presentations on their work in Sukau is testimony of the benefits derived from tourism and conservation.

"The youths in this village used to have very little employment opportunities and they would have to move to Sandakan and other bigger towns É today they work in Sukau as researchers and tour guides.

"Some had also travelled to the United States, Japan, Indonesia and other countries to share their experiences," Sukau Assemblyman Saddi Abdul Rahman said in the speech delivered by Kinabatangan assistant district officer Arisin Arifin at the closing of a World Environment Day celebration in Kg Sukau.

The five-day event was jointly organised by Hutan, a French grassroots non-profit and non-governmental organisation, and villagers in Sukau and Red Ape Encounters, Sabah Wildlife Department and Sabah Environmental Education Network.

In 1998, Hutan, a NGO, established the Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Project and hired local villagers as research assistants.

In the beginning the locals were doubtful and language was a barrier for French researchers Dr Isabelle Lackman-Ancrenaz and Dr Marc Ancrenaz.

Now, they speak fluent Malay and the local community comprises capable researchers, entrepreneurs, guides, videographers and GIS specialists.

"Hutan has succeeded in making the local community partners in their work and today the work carried out by the local community is recognised and appreciated by the Wildlife and Forestry Departments," Saddi said.

Source: (11 Juni 2008)

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