Literature in Malay to Form Part of Combined Humanities Subject

Singapore- There will be more choices for secondary school students who wish to study Malay Literature.

Come 2008, the Education Ministry will introduce Literature in Malay as part of the Combined Humanities subject.

This means students will get to study Malay Literature and Social Studies as an elective.

The new subject is in addition to the current Literature in Malay that is offered for the `O` level examinations.

The new curriculum will teach students two genres of Malay literature - that is prose and poems.

"We also want to give students more choices so that those who want to get specialisation in studying Malay Literature... that is available right now. But for those who also want to combine it with social studies, we also make that available. So it`s a combined humanities," says Masagos Zulkifli, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Education

Source: (1 Juni 2007)

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