New bird species found on Togian

Central Sulawesi - Two field scientists from the University of Indonesia have found a new bird species, Zosterops somadikartai or Togian white-eye, in the Togian Islands, Gulf of Tomini, Central Sulawesi.

The newly discovered bird is small with green plumage and a red beak. It is very active and moves in small flocks.

However, unlike its closest relatives -- and despite its name -- the bird`s eyes are circled by a band of red feathers, not white. Its beak is a more intense red than that of its relatives.

The species is being introduced for the first time this month in The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 12 years after Indrawan and Sunarto first spotted the bird.

The two scientists collaborated with well-known taxonomist Pamela Rasmussen of Michigan State University, who specializes in Asian birds, to conduct final research into the new species.

Based on the criteria of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the newly discovered bird is believed to be endangered because it is found only in a few small islands in Central Sulawesi.

The species is named after Prof. Somadikarta, Indonesia`s leading taxonomist, who was recently appointed the honorary president of the International Ornithological Congress XXV in Brazil in 2010.

"I`m happy they put my name on it because it is an endangered species," Somadikarta said.

Somadikarta was dean at the School of Mathematics and Sciences at University of Indonesia and head of Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense in 1962-1966 and 1968-1970.

This finding has also established the Togian Islands as an endemic bird area. According to conservation organization BirdLife International, a region can be established as an endemic bird area if more than two bird species that do not exist in other regions are found there.

Indrawan and his team previously found a new owl species, Ninox burhani or Togian hawk-owl, in forests in the Togian Islands. The owl was named for a local farmer, Burhan, in appreciation of the local people`s kindness

Source: (15 Maret 2008)

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