Malaysian education personnel visit MoE

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Malaysian Education Service Commission (Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pelajaran) headed by its chairman, Dato‘ Hj Kusaini bin Hj Hasbullah, yesterday paid a working visit to the Ministry of Education (MoE).

Dayang Apsah bte Hj Abd Majid, MoE Permanent Secretary, said, "We will be exchanging information on the practices that both agencies use in handling issues pertaining to the recruitment and services of the members of the educational field of our individual countries.

"Visits such as this will further strengthen the relationship between Brunei and Malaysia particularly between Brunei‘s Ministry of Education and the Malaysian Education Service Commission."

The working visit is aimed at exchanging information, ideas and experience between the two agencies on the best practices they use in the handling of the recruitment of education service personnel.

Pg Othman bin Pg Hj Mohd Daud, Head of the Teachers Recruitment and Placement Unit (Unit Pengambilan dan Penempatan Guru) briefed the delegates. By Amie PDH Ishak

Source: (June 19, 2008)

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