Never-ending problem of floating wastes along Brunei river

Kampong Ayer - Despite efforts to fight against indiscriminate rubbish dumping, household wastes can still be seen floating along the Brunei River.

Floating household wastes including plastic bags, empty plastic containers, bottles and planks are normally seen on the river surface during high tide, which could spoil the image of Kampong Ayer.

The government and relevant agencies have been working hard to solve the problem before it gets worse by using rubbish traps and excavators to scoop up the floating rubbish from the river.

Rubbish traps (nettings), one of the cleaning methods employed by the authority, are placed at strategic locations along the river to trap the mess of discarded flotsams. However, efforts to clean up the river would be hampered without the cooperation from the village community.

The campaign has achieved success and managed to reduce the amount of floating rubbish. But the authorities still need help from the community to maintain its cleanliness.

They are urged to make use of the rubbish collection service or dispose of their household wastes at the proper dumping sites.

A tourist who made a round trip to the water village recently said that this was largely due to the result of the indifference in attitude among the village residents. (By Achong Tanjong)

Source: (June 4, 2008)

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