State Mufti releases religious book

Bandar Seri Begawan - A religious book written by the State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Awg Abd Aziz Juned, entitled "Orang Sembahyang Ditangisi Oleh Tempat Sujudnya", hopes to raise awareness among Muslims on the importance and commitment to prayers.

This was pointed out by the Director of Administration at the State Mufti Office, Dato Paduka Ahmad Bukhari PSRK Hj Abu Hanifah, who also noted that praying guides a Muslim to be efficient and effective.

Yesterday, the launching of the book took place at the Darulifta Brunei Darussalam and was officiated by the State Mufti.

Also in attendance were YAM Pg Anak Khairul Khalil Pg Syed Hj Jaafari and several other senior government officers and private sectors, as well as village heads and penghulus.

The ceremony began with the recital of the al-Quran, followed with the welcoming and launching speech by the guest of honour.

After the launching, the State Mufti presented several free copies of the books to representatives of various higher education institutions and the Language and Literature Bureau for the use of its respective libraries.

Also launched at the event was the compilation of "Bersama Mufti" CD, VCD and DVD. Attendee also had the opportunity to purchase the book and get their books signed by the State Mufti.

The book contains 197 pages, arranged into 15 main topics, consist of the relation between prayers and health.

The book will be sold at $8 a copy, while CD, VCD and DVD are each priced at $2 and $3 respectively and can be purchased directly from the State Mufti Office.

Credit Photo: - Lyna Mohamad (29 Mei 2008)

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