Indonesia: Writer to publish English encyclopedia of Islam in Aceh

Banda Aceh - An encyclopaedia of Islam in English is set to be launched in the Indonesian province of Aceh by the end of the year.

The encyclopedia which includes about 1,600 pages is the work of local writer, 56-year-old Iwan Gayo.

Gayo said he was inspired while working on other books for Indonesians who perform the Haj, or the pilgrimage to Mecca which every healthy Muslim is obliged to do once in his life.

“I want to make life easier for fellow Muslims,” he told the daily `Serambi`.

The writer said that the book contains comprehensive information about the history of Islam since the beginning of civilization. It will also include illustrations, an in-depth guide of Islamic teachings, Islamic verses and the Hadits - or sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad.

Gayo added that he had difficulties trying to access the proper references locally and travelled abroad to research texts and manuscripts.

Among his best sources are books found in the library of Alexandria in Egypt, Cornell University and the City Library in New York, US.

Source: (25 Januari 2008)

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