Indonesian Film Festival being held in Budapest

London - A Garin Nugroho-directed film "Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti" was shown at the opening of the Indonesian Film Festival here on Friday.

The film festival, the first of its kind, will be screened until February 27, First Secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Hungary Arena Sri Victoria said in a statement made available here on Friday.

Among those attending the opening were Director of the Urania National Film Theater - where the film festival is being held - Bakos Edit and Indonesian Ambassador to Hungary Mangasi Sihombing.

Bakos Edit expressed his appreciation toward the organization of the film festival as this was the first of its kind.

Ambassador Mangasi, meanwhile expressed his gratitude to the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture for facilitating the festival.

"It is time for the two countries to have an official cultural agreement for such an activity," Mangasi said.

Source: (27 Februari 2008)

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