Peace And Stability Ensure Prosperity Says Deputy Minister

Bandar Seri Begawan - Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister`s Office, Hato Seri Paduka Hj EusoffAgaki Hj Ismail, yesterday officially launched a product presentation on security technology at the Nakhoda Ragam Vocational School.

He said that while the country is enjoying development in various fields, it also faces external challenges and elements brought about by the process of globalisation.

Efforts by the government to boost development and prosperity rely on the country`s stability. Negative elements can threaten the nation`s peace and stability as well as the economy and development if they are not effectively tackled.

He highlighted His Majesty`s Titah during the monarch`s 59th birthday celebration in 2005 which emphasised the importance of peace and prosperity in the country.

A peaceful and stable environment allows the community, especially commercial organisations, to work and prosper without any fears of threatening elements.

The community, including the private sector, must also work side by side with law enforcement agencies to ensure peace in the country.

Stressing some of the guidelines given by the government to companies providing security services, the Deputy Minister said the companies must only recruit security personnel who do not have any criminal and drug abuse record which could tarnish the credibility of security personnel. These guidelines are governed under the Security Agency Emergency Act Chapter 33(3) 1999, Security Agency Act Chapter 187 and Security Agency Regulations under Chapter 25.

In the global era without borders, various forms of crime by individuals or syndicates, who use sophisticated equipment, mean that the responsibilities of security personnel are more challenging, he said.

In this regard, the cooperation between POLKOP and MALSEC Dot Com to offer professional courses in this field is a good move as it will help in providing knowledge, skills and guidelines that could upgrade the professionalism towards producing quality and disciplined security personnel.

Security personnel most also be provided with knowledge of the country`s laws so that they know the limits of their authority.

Yesterday`s presentation saw MALSEC`s Principal Consultant Ramli Bahari AMN who has a Diploma in Police Science and an excellent reputation as a leader in security training provider, deliver the programme preview.

At the presentations jointly organised by POLSARA (Association of Retired Police Officers) and KOPRI (Commercial Security Sector) in collaboration with MALSEC Dot Corn, topics on technology sharing, design and developing security programmes in Brunei were also discussed.

Source: (24 Januari 2008)

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