Indonesia confirms its commitment towards preservation of its

Aichi - Indonesia’s participation this year is continuing the success of similar world expo in Aichi (2005) highlighting environment preservation, whereby it received a bronze award for the best pavilion. The minister reconfirmed Indonesia’s commitment towards preservation and development of its water resources and said: “We are happy to have the opportunity to show the world that Indonesia is committed to preserve and develop our water resources for the benefit of our future.

People should come to the expo and study what has become of our water tradition for centuries to this day as we embrace state-of-the-art water technology. Our experts will come to “Water Tribune” forum in Zaragoza to exchange and share knowledge, study trends in water management, etc. It is also the place where our colleagues will promote water tourism, market infrastructure inward-investment and open trade opportunities”.

Zaragoza Expo is a joint operation between BIE (Bureau International des Expositions), a private international organization that manages and controls all world and universal expositions since 1851 in London, with the governments of Spain and province of Aragon.

The main theme of this exposition is “Water and Sustainable Development” and at the same time highlights “Water Tribune”, a forum in which worldwide experts will meet and discuss subjects to seek alternative solutions on various challenges exposed to the world population particularly on water preservation. Indonesia deliberately chose the sub theme of “Water for Life; Reassessment of Tradition, Culture, Art and Identity” for its pavilion because of the extensive prospect to promote its rich history for tourism purposes.

Indeed expo visitors will see that in Indonesia, state-of-the-art water technology is applied side-by-side with tradition. One of the examples shown in the exhibits is the “subak” community water management system in Bali.

More than 100 pavilions of worldwide participants will present at the Zaragoza Expo, mainly from countries, international bodies and non-governmental organizations. Attended by at least 8 million visitors along the 93 days event, visitors will be able to watch various interesting, attractive and educative programmes as well as art and cultural performances from all over the world.

Indonesian Art Performances

“With several provinces sending out their cultural envoys to the expo, the Indonesia Pavilion is set to perform a number of special cultural and art programmes subsequently in June (“CELEBRACIÓN DE LA CULTURA DE INDONESIA”), July (“FIESTA INDONESIANA”), August (“DÍA NACIONAL DE INDONESIO”) and September (“VIVA INDONESIA”).

Visitors have the chance to know Indonesia better through not only water resources and technology exhibits but also through the hospitability of Indonesia Pavilion attendants. Overall, the pavilion reflects cultural and technological diversities and at the same time focus on Indonesia’s commitment towards water preservation and development”, explained Iwan Nursyirwan, the Commissioner General of the Indonesian Pavilion. Information on the expo can be accessed through its official website: as well as Indonesian Pavilion’s

Source: (30 Mei 2008)

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