Malaysia, Brunei agree to resolve boundary disputes

Johor Baharu - Malaysia and Brunei have agreed to resolve disputes on overlapping territorial claims by the two countries along their borders.

This was announced by the Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi after his meeting with the Sultan of Brunei at the 12th Malaysia-Brunei bilateral conference here.

Badawi said that both countries would state the matters concerning the overlapping areas in an exchange of letters which will be signed soon.

When asked whether the exchange of the letters between the two countries would mean that problems over the border dispute are resolved, Badawi replied in the positive.

"If the letters are signed, it would be an indication that the matters discussed have received mutual agreement, so once they are agreed upon, we can say that they have been resolved," he said.

The dispute involves territorial waters, which are believed to be rich in oil and gas deposits, and the land boundary in Limbang of the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

Following the dispute over the sea boundary, oil and gas exploration works in the area have been put off to pave the way for the negotiations between the two countries.

He said specific suggestion on the matter would be presented to the Cabinet for consideration and approval.

Asked whether Malaysia‘s national oil corporation, Petronas, would be allowed to continue operations in the areas disputed by the two countries, the Prime Minister said it depends on what Brunei and Malaysia would agree upon.

He said his discussions with the Sultan of Brunei also touched on the Frequent Travellers Card (FTC) which was launched last year to boost ties between the people of the two countries.

Source: (August 27, 2008)

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