25 Attend Halal Audit Training Programme

Bandar Seri Begawan - A halal audit training programme is being conducted "to further strengthen the credibility of Brunei Darussalam halal certification", the Agriculture Department said in a press release yesterday.

The four-day course is seeking to enhance the capability of halal auditors in accordance with the international standard ISO 19011, it added.

The course is being conducted by a consultant from Bureau Veritas International, which is carrying out inspection and certollication related to quality, health, social responsibility, safety, environment and halal quality standard.

Twenty five participants from the Agriculture Department, Religious Council, State Mufti`s Office, Syariah Affairs Department, Department of Health Services, Fisheries Department and National Accreditation and Standard Centre are attending the course.

The course aims to enable the participants to understand the importance of auditing support and halal certification in Brunei Darussalam, to know the effective halal auditing procedure and process, to understand the criterias and attributes of an auditor, to gain knowledge and ability to establish halal monitoring and verification activities and to provide audit skills, train and register halal auditors under the Religious Council.

Participants will be able to conduct audit and compliance check governing Brunei Darussalam Standard for halal food PBD 24:2007, Halal Meat Act and Rules, Halal Labels Certificates and Halal Label Order 2005 and Brunei Darussalam Certification Guideline for a Halal Certifictae and Halal Label (BCG Halal 1, 2, 3 and 4).

Some of the topics are the halal auditing system, document review, audit programme, audit check list and audit report formats for halal.

A live halal audit will be conducted in a food processing factory in the BruneiMuara district.

The course will be a continuous programme to support halal certification procedure in Brunei Darussalam and the Brunei Halal Brand, initiated by MIPR with the cooperation of the Brunei Islamic Religious Council, Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

The Brunei Halal Brand is in line with Brunei`s efforts in developing a diversified, competitive and sustainable economy away from oil and gas.

Source: www.brudirect.com (13 November 2007)

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