Association of Southeast Asian Nations Head To Visit Schools In Tanauan

Batangas, Philippines - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretary-General Ong Keng Yong will join the ASEAN Schools Tour which will visit Tanauan City in Batangas on Oct. 12.
The ASEAN Schools Tour is a project of the ASEAN Secretariat intended to acquaint more than 4,000 students across the region with the regional aggrupation.

Since its launch in June this year, the tour has had stops in Phuket, Thailand; Siem Reap, Cambodia; Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei; Vientiane, Lao PDR; Penang, Malaysia; Singapore; Makassar, Indonesia; and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

The Philippines will be the ninth stop of the tour, which will run until December this year.

Secretary-General Ong, along with Foreign Affairs officials and representatives of the ASEAN embassies in Manila will meet with 500 students from the First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH) and other schools in Tanauan at the FAITH campus.

They will meet with students aged 12 to 16 and engage them through various activities focused on ASEAN such as quizzes and writing and art contests.

The program for the Schools Tour includes a screening of an animated film on ASEAN, an open forum, a cultural presentation, and a tour of the campus by the guests.

Ong will also present awards to the winners of the various ASEAN-focused contests in the schools in Tanauan.

Source: (4 Oktober 2007)

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