Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam has reviewed its national educational system and is currently working towards the implementation of a new one in 2009, in response to Unesco‘s efforts towards building a knowledgeable society, Brunei‘s Education Minister said yesterday.
Speaking at the 34th Unesco General Conference in Paris, France, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Haji Abdul Rahman Dato Setia Haji Mohamed Taib said that the new system would be broadbased and can provide multi pathways for the nation‘s children to further and higher education.
This will enable all learners to reach their full potential with skills to survive in a highly evolving world, he added.
This is the second time that Brunei has participated in the congress. Pehin Dato Hj Abdul Rahman is the head of the country‘s delegation to the event, which runs from October 17 to 22. Delivering his statement to the general assembly of government ministers and representatives, the minister reported on the progress Brunei has made since it joined the organisation as well as the country‘s response to some of the major initiatives.
These initiatives include the Millennium Development goals, Dakar Framework, and the Jomtien Declaration on Education for All.
He also spoke on the establishment of the Brunei Unesco National Commission in May this year.
The commission functions to advise the government on matters relating to Unesco‘s policies and programmes and to promote the active participation of governmental and non-governmental organisations, private sector and individuals in the programmes and related activities.
Its other objectives include cooperating with other nations‘ national commissions for Unesco, participating in activities related to the advancement of knowledge, fostering understanding in related matters, implementing national programmes and activities and disseminating information on the objectives and functions of Unesco to communities in the country. Pehin Dato Haji Abdul Rahman also stressed the need to work closely with Unesco and other agencies who have greater resources and experience for Brunei to reach its goals. The minister also took part in various activities during the conference.
Source: (23 Oktober 2007)